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The next morning

Lydia POV: I feel terrible
I have a headache
I open my eyes and realize I'm tied to a chair
I look around and see purple and blue colored walls and a tv and a karaoke set in the corner of the room
Where am I?
I need to get out of here.
I try to move my arms to get loose but it's not working
I can't break free

Lydia: help!

Jake: babe come on
Erika: no.
Erika walks out the front door
Jake follows
Jake: Erika wait!
Erika: no Jake
You hooked up with her again.

Chloe POV: I open my eyes and look around
Logan's arm is over me
I have no shirt on just a bra
How did that happen?
I try to sit up so I move Logan's arm
He doesn't wake up he just switches to the other side of the bed
I sit up and see Wally and Arthur and Kong on the end of the bed laying together
How cute
I get out of the bed and walk to the closet to try and find a shirt

Brendan POV: I knock on her front door no answer
I knock again
No answer
Where did she go?
Maybe to Logans?

Lydia: hello?
Anyone there?

A person walks through the door closing the door behind them

Person: oh you're awake
Lydia: who are you?
what do you want from me?
Person: I don't want anything from you

Lydia POV: He walks closer
He has brown hair and is wearing ripped jeans
As he is talking he moves closer to me

Person: don't worry I won't do anything to you
Lydia: how can I be sure?
Person: you can't
He laughed
Lydia: let me go.
Person: I can't do that
Lydia: why not?
Person: I'm not a criminal
I just need something from you

Lydia: need something from me?

Person: yes
Lydia: what do you—

Lydia POV: He pulls up a chair in front of me and sits down

Person: I'm Henry

Lydia is quiet

Henry : introduce yourself

Lydia POV: He's kinda weird

Lydia: I'm Lyd—
Henry : Lydia
I know
Lydia: then why did you—
Henry: I like playing games
Henry said as he touched Lydia's cheek

Lydia POV: I'm tried of this chit chat

Lydia: ok Henry...can you let me go??
Henry: no not until Olivia is mine
Lydia: why do you want Olivia?
Henry: she's my girlfriend

Lydia POV: What?!

Lydia: what?
Henry: well see her mom set us up one day and I've been in love since but Olivia said she likes someone else

Lydia POV: Awe poor guy..

Lydia: then why take me?
Henry: you're her friend are you not?
Lydia: I am but—
Henry: I will do whatever it takes to have her attention
She can't ignore me forever
Lydia: look I don't wanna ruin life but I have a job and I'm gonna be late for work
Henry: you're not going anywhere not until olivia comes
Until then you can stay here

Henry walks up to Lydia and glides his finger on her jawline

Lydia POV: What the?
Why does he keep touching me
If my hands weren't tied I would so punch him

Henry: that's to bad..
Lydia: what?
Henry: you're to short for dancing but you're cute

Lydia POV: I'm cute??

Henry: you'd be a good necessity here if it comes down to that

Lydia POV: I'm at a strip club
It all makes sense now the room the karaoke Olivia's job
But what does he mean by that?!

Henry walks out the door locking it

Chloe POV: I'm cooking eggs for me and Logan for breakfast
When Logan comes up behind me
He wraps his arms around my waist

L: morning
C: sleep well?
L: yea

Logan let's go and walks towards his desk

L: what are you doing today?
C: I'm gonna go to the grove with Sonia
L: oh
C: what are you doing today?
L: I have meetings to go to with Jeff
C: oh
L: man this sucks
C: what?
L: we can't hang out today
C: Logan we live together
She laughs
L: it's different though
C: how?
L: at home we can't go places
C: then we can meet up after your meetings
L: I can't I have to go to Mark's for something
C: then ok we'll see each other when we both come home

Knock knock

Logan walks towards the door and opens it

Brendan: hey
L: come in bro

Brendan walks in

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