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Chloe POV: through all this talking from Sonny and Braxton I see a table with food on it don't mind if I do
I walk over and ..
C: ow
Mom: don't eat that
C: why?
Mom: because this is for the guest and friends not us
C: but —
Mom: no but's
C: fine .
Chloe POV: dang it Mom
I go and sit down by a table
Mom walks over to me
Mom: cross your legs and sit up straight
Chloe POV: I love the woman to death but she's so controlling on me though
I do as she says
And she's sits beside me
Catering person walks over to me
Catering person: want some?
C: yes
Mom: no thank you we're good
Catering person walks away
C: mom
Mom: I told you those are for the guest
C: fine
Mom: we're meeting Zac's girlfriend later today do you want to come?
C: nah I already know her she's my friend
Mom: oh that reminds me who are you taking to the wedding?
Chloe POV: here we go again.
C: I'm not taking anyone
Mom: here we go again Chloe how many times do I have to tell you to sit up straight
Chloe POV: I sit up straight to please her .. and then she goes on and on about men but I just want some food I woke up pretty early to go to this and I need food
C: I'll be back
I get up and walk away to the table
But I'm pulled by someone
Uncle: Chloe
Chloe POV: oh come on..
C: hi
Uncle : how are you?
C: I'm good
Uncle: its been so long look how you've grown and wow have you always been this tall it's so surprising
Chloe POV: on and on he goes on and on
* ring ring*
My phone saved me thank you!
I pull out my phone
C: I gotta take this
I walk away
I step out back and look at the contact
Should I answer it.. now he decides to call me...
C: hello
L: hey
C: why are you calling me ?
L: I said I would call you
Chloe POV: what took you so long though..
C: ok
L: Wyd?
C: I'm at Braxton's thing for his wedding
L: what are you doing later?
C: nothing
L: do you want to grab dinner?
You know since we didn't get to eat the last time
Chloe POV: don't do it Chloe..well maybe dinner wouldn't hurt..
C: sure..
L: ok I'll be over at your place at 8
C: ok
Logan hangs ups

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