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Chloe POV: the ceremony is beginning I sit down next to Zac
He moves away towards Lydia
He must be mad at me..
The ceremony is just boring to me because all I'm thinking about is Logan.. did I really want that ? Is what I said the truth...
I look over to the left of me and I see Logan and Bethany talking to one another

Sonny: I do
Braxton: I do
Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride

Chloe POV: after the wedding we all clear out into the house to have the after wedding party
I walk into the house
Tyler is by the bar drinking
I walk over to him and sit down
C: how was your first wedding?
Tyler: boring
C: yep get used to it weddings aren't fun until the after party
Tyler: I agree
* holds out a cup *
Chloe grabs it
Tyler: cheers?
C: cheers
They drink

Tyler POV: Perfect

Tyler: you wanna go dance ?
C: sure

Chloe POV: As I'm dancing my head hurts I can barely stand what's wrong with me

Chloe falls on to Tyler
Tyler: are you ok?

Logans POV: I walk into the house everyone is celebrating
But I still wonder where is Chloe?
I walk around
She's sitting by the bar with the same guy from the restaurant
But Why do I care.. she said it herself she doesn't want to be together..
Bethany walks up to me

Bethany: wanna dance?
L: sure

Logan POV: We go an dance
I notice that Chloe and that guy are dancing too
I'm watching them dance
Chloe legs are wobbling
Her eyes are almost closed then she falls on him

Bethany: this is nice isn't it
L: yea it is ..

Bethany POV: Logan has that worried
look on his face

Bethany grabs Logans face to look at hers
Bethany: hey is something wrong?

Logan POV: As I'm looking at Bethany I look over to where Chloe was dancing
She's not there ..
Where did they go.

L: I'm gonna uh go get a drink want one?
Bethany: uh sure
Logan walks away
This is all for today
Thanks for reading

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