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Chloe POV: As I'm sitting there looking at Logan my phone goes off
I pick up my phone and look at it

Zac: Braxton is in the hospital
But I know you won't come because you're having issues with him but I thought you should know..

Logan POV: I'm watching the show which by the way I never really watch Riverdale so idk what is happening right now between Betty and Jughead but whatever.
I turn around and see Chloe
She looks pretty with the tv light from the screen shining on her then a tear drop from her eye drops onto the couch and she wipes under her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt

L: Is everything ok?

Chloe POV: No..I'm confused I'm messed up

C: * Chloe sniffles *
Everything is fine
She smiles at Logan

Logan POV: It doesn't look fine..

Chloe POV: I can't stop crying but I don't want him to notice so I put my face in the blanket for a while

Logan POV: I stand up and walk towards her and sit down next to her
She has her head in the blanket...

Chloe POV: I feel a movement next to me so I lift up my head

L: I thought you could need someone to cry on
C: I'm not crying
Chloe turns away from Logan to wipe her face
C: I just get emotional when it comes to this show
L: you can tell me what's wrong
I might not be your boyfriend but I'm still here for you

Chloe POV: As Logan said that I looked at him and thought
Why do this for me?
Don't you want Lana?
What about Noah..

Logan grabs the remote and turns off the TV

L: talk to me
I won't judge
C: um ok..uh
Chloe's voice gets softer
....Braxton is in the hospital
and I feel like..its my fault...
L: it's not your fault and don't think it's your fault
Chloe we can't control these things
C: I haven't talked to him in days
L: lack of communication didn't cause him to be in the hospital
You didn't cause this
C: I was just so mad at him..
He didn't want his own child
L: this isn't about a kid
C: what?
L: this is about something more
look..I know you and Braxton have issues and when he said to get out of his life it hurt you you're not telling anyone but I can see it

Chloe has a montage of the memories she has of her and Braxton together

C: you think you know my life?!
L: no I'm just saying—
C: You don't
Ok so don't think you do
My family my business
Just leave me alone
You helped me as much as Braxton ever did in my life and he never did.
You can't text me no when I actually wanna talk to you then say come over to me an hour later.
L: wait what?
C: You wanna be with Lana go with her be with her do whatever
I don't care anymore.
L: what do you mean I texted you no?
C: don't play dumb with me
L: I'm not I—
C: you know what forget this I'm leaving
Chloe stands up and puts on her purse
Logan stands up
L: wait Chlo

Chloe walks away to the door
Logan blocks her

C: move
L: I never texted you
C: just move
L: can we talk about this??
C: no.
How does it feel huh?
I told you no but unlike you I won't text you to come over an hour from now.

L: I never texted you that
C: I have it right here on my phone don't lie about this
L: I'm not lying I never texted you

Chloe pulls out her phone and shows Logan the text

L: I never texted you this

Chloe POV: Wait what?

C: are you lying?
L: no I'm not I never texted you this
I don't even remember seeing your message

Chloe POV: What?!

C: Logan if you're lying then—
L: Chlo I don't even remember seeing the text saying that you wanted to talk
C: then how did—
L: wait this says it was around 7
C: yea I texted you then
L: I was with Lana around that time
C: so?
L: so if I didn't answer you who did?
C: Lana?
L: come on let's go

Logan puts on his jacket

C: wait where are we going?
L: Olivia's
C: what? why?

Lydia and Brendan are sitting by each other at the table
Evan on the other side

Evan: have any of you heard from Logan?
Brendan: nope
Lydia: I haven't seen him since Lana was over
Evan: Lana?
Brendan: what was she doing there?
Lydia: I don't know she just came over Brendan: oh
Evan: how's Zac Lydia?
Lydia: he's uh..good
Brendan: he's back?
Lydia: yea he came back
Brendan: oh

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