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They walk in to Logans apartment

L: Kong!
Kong comes running towards Logan
Logan picks him up
Lana: Awe how cute
L: here hold him
Logan hands Kong over to Lana
Lana: you're so cute
Lana pets Kong's head

L: I️ need to edit but you can chill around the house if you like
Lana: ok

Logan sits down in his desk and opens his computer
Lana walks over to him
Standing above him
Lana: how do you edit
L: I️ use a software
Lana: oh how do you use it?
L: why?
Lana: I'm just wondering
L: here come sit down I'll show you
Lana: ok
Lana grabs the chair and sits down next to him
Logan shows her how to use the software
Lana: wow that's confusing..
L: not really
Lana: for me it is Mr. Big Youtuber
Lana mocks
Logan laughs
Lana: let me see your computer
L: no clumsy you might delete something 
Logan mocks
Lana: haha you're so funny
Lana mocks back
L: ok but not joking I️ can't have you deleting my vlog
Lana: I️ won't
L: Lana if you delete this it will—
Lana: I️ told you I️ won't 
L: hmm it's still to risky
Lana: Logan.
L: ok ok here just be careful what your pushing

Logan POV: If Lana deletes the vlog the Logang will not be happy...
As I'm staring at her and making sure she doesn't push something that would effect my editing
My phone goes off
I️ take it out of my pocket and answer it

L: hey Chlo

Lana POV: Chloe?

C: hey..Wyd?
L: I'm at home editing
C: you're still editing?
L: yea
C: you didn't go to that party?
L: no I️ did I️ just got home
C: just you?
Logan looks back at Lana then looks away
L: yea just me why?
C: come over
L: right now?
C: why? You can't?
L: no I️ can but I️ mean I️ have to edit
C: you don't want to come over?
L: no I️ do but I️ have to edit
C: I️ get it
L: I️ just made you sad didn't I️?
C: no...
L: I'll be over
C: ok see you soon
Chloe hangs up

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