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Chloe and Sonia are in the Uber on their way back from the event

Chloe POV: 2 missed calls from Zac

Chloe calls him back

Zac: hello?
C: you called?
Zac: yea can we talk

Chloe POV: Is this about Lydia?

C: sure I'm on my way to the apartment right now
Zac: oh ok
C: ok see you then
Zac: ok bye
Chloe hangs up

Evan: are you serious about not going through with it?
L: yes
Evan: great Lydia you broke Logan
Lydia: what? I did not!
L: no one broke me I just came to a realization that I need to be more of an adult for Chloe
Evan: what about being young while you still can
L: I'm 22 years old I think I have time
Evan: unless you die
Evan mumbles
L: what was that?
Evan: nothing

Zac opens the door
Chloe and Sonia walk in

C: so what's up?
Zac: it's about...

Zac looks at Sonia then at Chloe

Sonia: I'll go over there

Sonia walks away

Zac: it's about Lydia we kinda
C: hooked up?
Zac: no I just spent the night
C: you know she's with Brendan right?
Zac: yes
C: ok just making sure
Zac: What should I do?
C: I don't know
Why ask me?
Zac: because haven't you and Logan been through this before?
C: what?
Zac: What about Ayla?
C: ok look you need to make a decision and stop cluttering other people to make it for you
I can't make your f*cking decision you have to.
Zac: ok ok fine
C: now that you're done
Move out of my room I want it back
Zac: you're leaving Logan's?
C: yes
Zac: why?
C: because I want to
Sonia: wrong
Zac: you two fought again didn't you?
C: no
Sonia: yes
C: ok fine we had a little argument
Zac: a little argument caused you to move out?
C: yes
Zac: wait you're gonna lose?
C: yes I don't care if I lose
Zac: wow that's the first
C: oh shut up just move your stuff out of my room so I can move back in
Zac: ok ok I will just give me time
C: I'm gonna go to Logan's for a little bit and by the time I'm back I want you to be at least half way done
Zac: ok
Sonia: wait aren't you forgetting something

Sonia holds up a plastic bag

C: oh yea

Chloe grabs the bag from her

C: thanks Sonia
Zac: what's in the bag?
C: cake
Zac: oh yum what kind?
C: chocolate
Zac: wait where are you taking it?
C: just start working on moving out please
Zac: ok I will
C: I'll be back
Chloe leaves

L: better?
Lydia: much better

Logan lights the last candle

L: thanks again for helping Lydia
Evan wouldn't help me

Evan: you've changed!
Evan yells from his room

Lydia: no problem
I better get going Chloe is about to be here
L: Huh? How do you know?
Did she text you?
Lydia: nope but I have a feeling
L: you're a wizard?
Lydia: I wish

Evan walks out of his room he's wearing headphones

L: where you going?
Evan: gym.

Evan opens the door and leaves

Lydia: don't worry he'll get over it
L: yea
Lydia: well I'm gonna go good luck
You're gonna need it
L: uh-thanks

Logan POV: What does she mean I'm gonna need it?

Lydia leaves

*Incoming call from Zac*

C: what?
Zac: do you have Lydia's number
C: I do
Zac: can I maybe have it?
C: Are you cleaning your stuff out of the room?
Zac: yes
C: then yea it's *Lydia's number*
Zac: thanks sis
C: you better be cleaning
Zac: I am
C: ok just making sure
Zac: If you and Logan are eating that cake at least save me some please
C: we're not eating it
Zac: what? what are you doing with it then?
C: gotta go I'm here bye
Chloe hangs up

Logan is looking at his reflection in the mirror

Logan POV: We got this Logan
We can do this
No more fun and games
Become adult for Chloe

( Lydia and Brendan's call)

Lydia: yea I know we might have to cancel Disney...
Brendan: are you fine with that?

* Ring Ring*

Lydia: hang on Brendan I'm getting another call
Brendan: ok

(Other call)

Lydia: hello?
Zac: hey
Lydia: who is this?
Zac: it's me Zac
Lydia: oh hey Zac..
Zac: um..Are you busy tomorrow?

*Knock Knock*

Logan POV: Is that Chloe?
Wait why would she knock she has a key

Logan walks towards the door and opens it

Chloe shoves a cake into Logan's face

Logan POV: Well so much for no more fun and games..

L: hmm so this is what Lydia meant
Logan says while wiping his eyes

C: why are you dressed up?
L: jokes on you
I love chocolate
Logan says while eating some of the cake

C: Do I smell candles?
L: I was trying to surprise you with a romantic dinner and adult a little bit

Chloe walks in

C: you did this?
L: yea well me and Lydia actually

Chloe POV: He was gonna surprise me with this??

L: We can still eat just let me shower first
He laughs

Chloe POV: I just hit him in the face with cake
Oh my god..

C: Wow I'm an idiot
L: what?
C: you threw this amazing dinner and what do i do?
Oh yea I hit you with cake earlier
L: I liked it though
C: only you would like something like that
She laughs

L: yea pretty much
C: I thought you were mad why did you do this?
L: well if we're being honest...I was gonna do something else but Lydia kinda talked me out of it
So we did this instead
C: oh
L: I was never mad at you Chlo
C: I was..

Logan grabs Chloe's hand and pulls her closer to him

L: Well...are you mad still?
C: no..
L: then let's eat and talk ok?
C: ok

L: I'm gonna go shower real quick
C: ok

Logan walks away to the bedroom while Chloe sits down on the couch

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