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They step out of the elevator
Evan: this way
Lydia: this is only room 300 and we have to be at 314
Evan: dang
Logan takes off running down the hallway
Lydia: Wait Logan wait for us
Evan: Logan!
They run after Logan

Logan POV: Chloe.
that's all that matters where is she that bastard Austin who knows what he's doing to her I need to find her

Lydia: Logan slow down!
Evan: yea we can't keep up

Chloe POV: Either I'm hearing things or I hear someone yelling Logan and not just someone it sounds like Lydia and Evan!
Suddenly Austin stands up
He puts the duck tape back over my mouth and walks over to the table and grabs something what's he grabbing?

Logan bust the door open
L: Chloe!
Austin: hm I guess he does care after all you see that Chloe

Chloe POV: He does..

L: Austin
Austin: long time no see Logan
It's a shame we have to meet this way
L: let her go
Austin: why don't you leave
L: or what?
Austin walks towards Chloe
Evan : We're here!
Lydia: Chloe!
Austin pulls out a knife
And puts it to Chloe's neck
Austin: or something bad is gonna happen
L: wait !
Austin: back up all of you
Logan and Evan and Lydia back up
Lydia: what do we do ..
Evan: Logan..
L: wouldn't you rather kill me
Austin: what?
Lydia: what?!
Evan: what?

Chloe POV: what!

L: I mean I took Chloe from you
We were practically hooking up while you two were still dating
I took the person you were in love with Didn't that hurt ? Don't you want revenge?

Chloe POV: Is he crazy?!

Lydia: Logan!
L: So between everyone who is here right now you should be pointing that at me

Chloe POV: Logan! What is he thinking?!

Lydia: Logan!
Evan: no let him
Lydia: are you insane ?
Evan: I trust Logan
Austin: hmm it would satisfy me
Lydia: Logan what are you doing?!

Chloe POV: yea what the hell are you doing?!

L: trust me * he mouths to Lydia*
L: go ahead do your worst on one condition let Chloe go
Austin: no tricks?
L: I'm a man of my word you should know that about me

Chloe POV: man of your word my ass

Austin: fine deal
L: now drop your knife and un tie Chloe
Austin puts down the knife on the table and starts to untie Chloe

Chloe POV: and the duck tape please someone pull this off so I can talk to Logan before he gets killed !

Evan: now?
L: now
Logan runs up to Austin
And punches him throwing him to the ground
He gets on top of him

Evan runs over and finishes untying Chloe
L: Lydia hand me some of that rope
Lydia: ok
Logan ties Austin's hand together
L: there
Logan stands up
Evan unties Chloe's other arm
Evan: oh yea here
* he pulls of the duck tape *
C: mmh that hurt but thank you
Chloe stands up
Chloe walks over to Austin
Austin: you tricked me!
L: yea I did
Austin: your a lying son of a bitc—
Chloe puts duck tape over his mouth
C: your annoying me
Lydia laughs
Evan: oh thank god I thought you were a goner ( to logan)
Lydia: same here

Chloe walks over to the bed and picks up her phone and puts it into her pocket
Logan walks over to her
L: you um ok?
C: yea..thanks..
Logan looks at Chloe's wrist it has red marks from the tight ropes
L: does it hurt?
C: huh?
L: your wrist
C: oh no it's fine
L: oh ok..
C: thanks for saving me..
L: it wasn't only me it was Lydia and Zac and Evan too
C: we'll considering you almost got killed for me
L: it's nothing big I would risk my life for you any day

Evan POV: They need to talk sort everything out especially after just what happened sheesh

Lydia POV: Aweee Zac was right these two are in love

C: look Logan I think we need to talk..
L: yea..
Evan: why don't you guys talk later can we go back now?
L: yea let's go
Lydia: I'll text Zac and tell him we're on our way back
Evan and Lydia walk out the door
L: after you?
C: thank you
Chloe and Logan walk out too
Logan closes the door behind them

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