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Lana: come in
Logan walks in

C: where is Lana right now
Jake: why?
C: just answer the question
Jake: she's at my house why?

Chloe POV: That's all I gotta know

Driver: we're here
C: thank you

Chloe gets out of the car

Chloe POV: I see the Yeti
He's here...
I'm just standing there lost in thought
Why again Logan..
Someone taps my shoulder

C: ah geez! Oh it's just you
Olivia: sorry
She laughs
C: it's ok but what are you doing here?
This was the big emergency ?
Olivia: no of course not but as I left I saw Logan turn the opposite way which wasn't the way to his house
so Me being me I decided to follow him
C: Me and you both sister
Olivia: what is he doing here?
Jake isn't even here his car is gone
C: one word
Olivia: what?
C: Lana.
Olivia: you don't think he is..
C: only one way to find out
Chloe walks towards the house
Olivia: wait up
Olivia follows after her

Olivia: she's coming

Logan is sitting on the couch

Lana POV: I'm in the kitchen when I hear my phone go off
I check my phone and see Olivia's text

Lana walks over and sits down next to him

Logan: So what did Jake do this time
Lana: Me and him are together but all he talks about is Erika...
L: oh I'm sorry
Lana: it's fine it's not the first time a Paul brother broke my heart
She gently laughs

Logan POV: Now I feel bad...

L: Lana look..I'm sorry for everything
I didn't mean to make you think we were...something
Lana: were something?
L: let me rephrase that
Lana: I liked you and I thought you liked me too
L: I do like you..but as a friend
Lana: so friends have sex?
L: not exactly...
Lana: you're so confusing
Why can't you just kiss me and tell me you want to be with me like you did in Ohio
L: we were kids then
We didn't even know what love was
I was 14
Lana: so you've never had any feelings for me ever
L: I don't feel what you want me to feel for you...
Lana: don't say you're sorry .
If you were actually sorry you would do something

Olivia: maybe we shouldn't go in there
C: why?
Olivia: the door is so obvious I say we sneak in from the back
Like in the backyard
C: I like the way you think let's go

L: what do you want me to do?
Lana: I don't know..
L: well I have to know to actually do something like you want me to

Chloe opens the gate
Olivia follows after her
Olivia see anything?
Chloe: they're on the couch over there
It looks like they are talking

Olivia POV: I'm sorry Chloe for what's about to happen...

Lana: then I'll do something

Logan POV: No warning
Lana grabs me and kisses me

Chloe walks away
Olivia: wait Chloe wait for me

Logan pulls away

Logan POV: ...oh god

Chloe POV: I open the fence and walk out into the rode

Lana: I'm sorry..I—
L: I'm gonna go
Lana: wait logan
Logan stops
Lana: I don't want to be like this again where we don't talk to each other
L: but you can't kiss me
I'm with Chloe

Lana POV: Chloe🙄

Lana: then I won't anymore

Chloe POV: I hear Olivia calling my name
I'm at my car
I open the door then
Olivia grabs my arm stopping me

C: let go

Olivia POV: As she turns towards me
I look at her she has tears forming in her eyes...

C: let go..please..

Olivia POV: I let go
Chloe walks away
I don't chase her anymore..

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