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Logan walks through the door
Pam: your back
L: yea..where's Chloe?
Pam: she's upstairs in your room
L: ok
Pam: wait come sit down
L: uh ok
Logan sits down across from Pam
Pam: are you and Lana a thing now ?
L: no I am dating someone though
Pam: Chloe?
L: yes
Pam: I knew it
L: is that all mom?
Pam: yes
Logan stands up and walks away
He goes upstairs
Chloe is watching on her laptop on the bed
Logan walks in
Chloe POV: I see Logan walks in the room..I don't say anything because I don't know honestly what to say...
Logan sits down on the bed next to her
L: hey..
C: oh your back..
L: can we talk?
C: yea sure
Chloe pauses her show and faces Logan
L: what happened to us I wanted to spend time with you in my home state and just have fun you know? ..
C: I don't know what happened
L: We started having problems like a day ago why?
C: I don't like Lana
L: I get that but she's my friend
C: well I'm your girlfriend
L: you know I'm tired of you confusing me
C: I don't confuse you
L: yes you do one minute we kiss then we're friends and I don't like it either we're together or not
C: do you even wanna be together ?! Because it seems like Lana is more important
L: me and her aren't even together
C: I don't care you left you left to her and left me
L: were not talking about me and Lana we were on the fact that your confusing
C: yes I named us friends and yes I pushed you away and denied you have you ever wondered why? No you were to busy with Lana.
L: why ? Tell me why? I'm here now !
C: because I knew that this would happen your never loyal to me to only me there's always something that happens to us that I end up getting hurt .  I only did it for us I don't want to lose you as a friend or as a boyfriend I need you in my life but you weren't even there when I needed you!
L: Chloe..
C: I just don't I don't feel the same and I'm sure you don't either so go to Lana go date her all you want ..
L: I don't want Lana I want yo—
C: I wanna break up
Chloe interrupts
L: you want to break up..
C: yes..
L: fine
C: I don't even know why I came here with you and I'm regretting it.
Chloe stands up and walks away
She slams the door on her way out
Next update will be 5:00

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