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Lydia POV: We walk into the club me and Evan are walking side by side then Brendan walks past us to the bar
He sits down
Something is wrong with him ..
I know it..

Evan: someone's eager to drink
Evan laughs
Lydia: I'm gonna go sit down
Evan: ok

Lydia POV: I walks toward a booth that's free and sit down
I stare at Brendan who just took a shot
What's wrong with him..
My phone goes off
It's Zac
I answer it

Lydia: hello
Zac: hey what do you mean you went to the club?
Lydia: with Evan and Brendan and Logan and Chloe
Zac: oh ok I would join but you know I'm in Chicago
He laughs
Lydia: yea

In the car
L: Have you talked to Braxton?
C: where is this coming from?

Logan POV: Zac went to Chicago so he asked me to make sure you're keeping touch with your brother

L: just wondering
C: no I haven't talked to that jerk in days
L: oh
C: look I'm fine ok?
L: ok

Logan POV: Are you?

Evan POV: I walk over to the booth Lydia is sitting in and set down a glass of water on the table
Lydia: oh geez you scared me
Evan: sorry
Lydia: it's fine
She laughs

Evan POV: that laugh.. her laugh.. it just brings back that one night I saw her...

Lydia: Evan??
Evan: huh? Oh I'm sorry
Lydia: here sit down you've been drinking to much
I'm guessing that's why you have a glass of water
Evan: oh no it's for you
Lydia: me?
Evan: I know you don't like drinking that much so I got you a glass of water
Lydia: awe thank you
Evan: you're welcome
Lydia: wait where's Brendan?
Evan: over there —

Lydia POV: he's not there !

Lydia stands up
Lydia: where did he go?!
Evan: he was just sitting there
Lydia: ok let's spilt up and look for him
Evan: ok

Logan POV: Me and Chloe walk into the club
I text Brendan that we're here

C: I don't see them
L: me either

Lydia POV: I'm looking for Brendan then I see Logan and Chloe
I walk up to them

C: Lydia hey
Lydia: guys we lost Brendan
C and L: what??
Lydia: he was drinking over there but now he is gone
L: let's find him
Lydia: I'll go this way
L: ok me and Chloe will go this way then
They walk away

Brendan POV: I'm laying down on a row of seats when someone comes up to me

Lydia: Brendan!

Brendan POV: I sit up and look at her

Lydia: I've been looking for you everywhere why did you move without telling us ?

Lydia POV: As I'm talking to Brendan he's not responding
I sit down on the seat next to him

Lydia: Are you're all the way over here why did you move without telling me...I was worried..
Brendan: I'm fine..
Lydia: Everyone was looking for you and—

Lydia POV: Without hesitation Brendan grabs my hand and pulls me with him through the crowd of people

Lydia: where are we—
Brendan: we need to hide

Lydia POV: what??

Lydia: why?

Lydia POV: He pulls me into a random closet closing the door behind him

Lydia: Brendan What is going on..
Brendan: We just need to hide for a bit
Lydia: from what?
Brendan: Judy

Lydia POV: What?

Brendan: I don't wanna see her right now but I've been ignoring her calls and text and she's mad

Lydia POV: That's why he's been acting so weird..

Lydia: Is something happening between you two?

Lydia POV: Why did I ask that..

Brendan : it's hard to explain..

Lydia POV: Why do I feel like this..

Brendan: I think she's gone..
Lydia: why don't you talk to her...
Brendan: I just don't wanna see her
Lydia: why?
Brendan: you were right..
Lydia: what?
Brendan: she's playing with me
I was blind..
Lydia: I'm sorry..
Brendan: it's fine..
Brendan: I'm sorry for pulling you in here ..
Lydia: it's ok we should get out though the others are probably looking for us
Brendan: yea
Lydia: yea...
Brendan leans in for a kiss
As they are about to kiss
Lydia pulls away slowly
Lydia: we shouldn't..
Brendan: yea...
Lydia: we really shouldn't..
She said as she leaned back in
They kiss ( here you go to the person who said they missed Brendan and Lydia and Evan drama tbh guys when I first made that love triangle in my first Chlogan book it was for fun lol oh and also Brendan isn't that tall in this book ok bye now I'll stop bothering you hehe)

Lydia POV: wait what are you doing?!What am I doing!
pull away..pull away..
Lydia pull away!

Lydia pulls away

Lydia POV: ......

Brendan POV: woah..

Lydia opens the closet door and runs away

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