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Lana POV: I get into the car and drive to the airport
Let's see here
Zac is Chloe's brother
Chloe is famous so there is bound to be a picture of Zac on here
Oh so this is what he looks like

Zac: I'm here
Lydia: I'm on my way

Lydia: I should go
I don't want Zac waiting that long
L: ok
Lydia: good luck with Chloe
L: thanks good luck with Zac
Lydia leaves

Olivia: what do you want now?
Lana: distract Lydia for me
Olivia: why?
Lana: just do it.
Don't forget your secret is on the line here
Olivia: fine

Logan POV: I put on a jacket grab my car keys and leave

Chloe POV: I just got done taking a shower so I sit down and brush my hair
I'm in the mood for music so I click on Spotify and plug my phone into the speaker

Speaker: I found a love for me— ( Perfect- Ed Sheeran)

Chloe POV: Nope not in the mood
* Pushes skip*

Speaker: Talking in my sleep at night making myself crazy —
( New Rules- Dua Lipa)

Chloe POV: Nah
* Pushes skip*

Speaker: Running the city wild I think you're in denial—
(Whenever- Russ)

Chloe POV: No
* Pushes skip again*

Speaker: Big reputation
Big reputation
You and me we got big Reputation ( Endgame - Taylor Swift)

Chloe POV: Perfect

Logan POV: I'm walking in the hallway when I hear music it sounds like Taylor Swift I mean who else would say stuff like I swear I don't love the drama the drama loves me
But anyways I hear her singing to it and she sounds cute but I still knock on the door
I hear the music get quieter and the door opens...

Zac POV: I'm standing there on the curb of the airport outside by the rode and someone calls my name I turn around and see a girl I've never seen before..

Lana: You're Zac right?
Zac: uh yea and you are?
Lana: I'm Lana Lydia sent me she got busy with a emergency with another friend of ours and asked me to pick you up and bring you to her apartment
Zac: oh

C: Logan what are you doing here..
L: I wanna talk

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