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(Zac and Chloe's text)
C: where are we eating at?
Zac: mikees
C: ok I'll meet you there I'm leaving now
Zac: ok

In the car
Logan is on his phone in the back seat
Logan POV: I've been texting Chloe trying to get a hold of her why isn't she answering..
Lydia: I heard this place has really good tomato sauce
Zac: cool
Lydia POV: what is Zac thinking? Bringing Chloe and Logan to the same place They broke up

Chloe's POV: I arrive at Mikees and get out of the car I don't see Zac's car anywhere so I just decide to go in and grab a table for us

C: I'm already here so I grabbed a table
Zac: ok were almost there
C: ok

Waiter : how many?
C: three
Waiter: we don't have just three person tables
C: it's fine then
Waiter: ok follow me
C: ok

Chloe POV: I sit down and wait for Lydia and Zac to arrive
As I'm sitting there I look around and I find a kid in Logans merch.. again why do you always come into my mind..I just want it to stop..I'm in pain because of you..I don't want to remember it..

Zac: were here
They get out of the car
and walks towards the entrance
Waiter: how many?
Zac: actually a friend of ours came in and grabbed a table
Waiter: ok go ahead
They try to find where Chloe is sitting

Chloe POV: As I'm playing with the straw in my cup .. someone yells my name I turn around
it's Zac
He walks towards me followed by Lydia and oh god why why me why now why ! Logan..
I won't let this effect me .. I told him I'm done and I mean it..

C: Zac can I talk to you.
Zac: sure
* Chloe pulls him into a corner*
C: what do you think you are you doing?
Zac: what?
C: I told you I'm trying to not have any contact with Logan
Zac: no you said you didn't want him to text or call you
C: that's the same thing!
Zac: He's my friend
C: I hate you
Zac: no you love me
C: whatever go sit down
They walk back over to the tables
Chloe sits back down and so does Logan and Zac and Lydia
Chloe POV: of course he sits by me
L: how have you been —
C: don't try to start small talk
Chloe interrupts
L: damn I was just trying to be nice
C: I don't need your nice talk then.
Lydia POV: dang..
Zac POV: this isn't my plan I need Chloe to open up or at least talk to him
Zac: so how was Ohio you two?
L: good—
C: yea right .
L: I thought it was good
C: oh yea cause Lana was so good wasn't she .
L: Chloe
C: what does that bother you?..I'm sorry.. oh wait no I'm not .
Zac POV: dang Chloe is mad pissed
Lydia POV: this feels like a double date but it isn't
Chloe POV: just seeing him makes me angry .. mad .. sad I don't even know how to feel anymore.. I'm so confused don't try to talk to me I won't take it . I won't fall in. not anymore I said I'm done . So I'm done.
Logan POV: I messed up I know but I at least want to talk to you

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