Ch. 378

277 11 6

This is Logan's point of view to the chapter before this one 

Lana: ok?
But can we not even go out for dinner to celebrate?
L: well...I guess we can
Lana: great come over and we'll go eat

Logan POV: I guess I have time

L: ok I'll be over
Lana: k
Lana hangs up

Logan goes into his room and changes clothes

Random mom: sweetie no!-

Logan POV: What was that?

Logan runs to his front door and opens it

He was about to run out until he hears a familiar voice

Logan POV: Sounds like Chloe

Random mom: I'm so sorry!
Say sorry to the nice lady now!

Logan POV: Nice lady?

Random kid: I'm sorry...

C: it's ok
Random Mom: Let me give you money for a new one
I am so sorry about your cake

Logan POV: Cake??

C: no need it's ok really
Can't always control little kids
Chloe laughs gently
It's fine really
Random Mom: are you sure?
C: yea it's fine

Logan POV: She's so sweet

Random Mom: thank you
C: you're welcome

C: don't go knocking over anymore birthday cakes k?
The Random kid laughs

Logan POV: Wife material

Random Mom: come on sweetie we need to go pick up daddy from his flight

Random Kid: coming

Logan POV: They left
I'm gonna go check if it's really her

Logan steps out into the hallway quietly

He sees Chloe

Logan POV: It is her

L: Chlo

(Now we're going back to normal view)

Logan comes back with rags and spray

C: you don't have to
L: it's fine

Chloe POV: No way

Chloe grabs his hand and pulls him with her

She walks through the front door

C: close the door

Logan closes the door

Logan POV: What was that about?

Chloe POV: I'm not letting him do that

L: So the cake...
Was it perhaps for me?
He smirks

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