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Ok everything in parentheses is the phone call

(L: why not? )
Brendan: what is she saying?

(Olivia: please let me handle it don't go in it's to risky for all of you )

Logan POV: How did Olivia even know?

(Olivia: please don't go in)
(L: ok)
(Olivia: Logan I mean it)
(L: ok we won't go in)
(Olivia: ok thanks)
Olivia hangs up

L: Brendan?
Brenda: yea?
L: stop the car
Chloe: why?
L: just stop the car

Brendan stops the car

Brendan: what did Olivia say?
L: she said not to go in
C: what?
Brendan: why?
L: I don't know

Chloe POV: That's weird..

Ring ring
Chloe's phone goes off

C: hello?
Zac: hey I have bad news can we meet up?
C: yea sure I'll meet you at my apartment later 
Zac: ok
Zac hangs up

Brendan: what do you mean Olivia says not to go in??
L: idk bro she just said not to go in and it's to risky
C: risky??
Logan opens the car door and gets out

Brendan: Logan!
C: Logan get back in the car we're in the middle of the road

Logan walks away

Chloe unbuckles her seat belt

Brendan: wait Chloe don't get out of —

Chloe opens the car door and gets out chasing after Logan

Brendan POV: Well....that happened

C: Logan!
Chloe is running after him

Logan drops his Maverick backpack to the ground and unzips it and pulls out a pair of handcuffs
Chloe comes up behind him

C: what are you—
Logan turns around quickly snapping one end to Chloe's wrist and the other to his wrist
(Basically Logan handcuffs Chloe to him)

Chloe POV: What the?!

L: there
C: Are you—
L: just go with it
C: I'm sorry. what???
L: think about it Olivia said it's to risky to go in
C: yea so?
L: so if we go in together we can fool them
C: I don't see how me being handcuffed to you will help—

Logan starts walking pulling Chloe with him from behind

C: Logan!

He keeps walking

Chloe runs to catch up with him

C: take it off
L: no
C: your plan is crazy
L: my plan will work
C: how do you know?
L: I don't
He smiles

Chloe POV: I'm dating a crazy person..

Brendan runs up to them

Brendan: Guys what are you doing?
Brendan looks down at their hands
Brendan: and why are you guys handcuffed together?
L: you'll see
C: Logan here handcuffed us

Brendan POV: This must be what Logan was talking about that he would start doing

Brendan: it's a...

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