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Chloe POV: what just came over me..

Chloe walks to her kitchen and pulls out a bottle of wine
Logan walks over to her
L: uh you ok?
C: I don't know what came over me
I'm sorry
L: you know what I like this Chloe
C: you do?
L: yea I do
* Logan opens the bottle and starts pouring it into 2 glasses
C: what are you doing?
L: celebrating
You aren't dead I'm not dead We're together again your mom doesn't hate me
* holds out the glass towards Chloe*
L: So might as well celebrate
Chloe takes the glass

Chloe takes a sip
L: it still surprises me how many wine bottles you have
C: I have a few bottles
L: it comes in handy
C: yea those sad days come around unexpectedly

Logan sets his glass down on the counter
Chloe reaches into cabinets and pulls out a bucket of cheese balls ( hehe)
L: that's a lot of cheese balls
Logan laughs
C: yea it's my secret stash
I have Oreos chips donuts cans of pop everything basically
Sonia doesn't know about it
L: it's not a secret anymore though
C: duh I'm gonna tell you I trust you
Here catch
* throws a bag of chips at Logan *
L: thanks
Chloe walks over and past him grabbing the chips from him
She sits down on the couch
C: come sit oh and bring that bucket with you
L: ok

Logan sits down next to her
He hands the bucket to her
Chloe grabs the remote and turns on the TV
L: what are we watching ?
C: Stranger Things
L: What?
C: Stranger Things the Netflix show
L: I haven't watched Netflix in a while
C: what! You haven't watch it
L: I guess not
C: then start now
Season 1 episode 1
L: ok

C: want some?
L: no I'm good
C: ok then

Logan reaches into the bucket and pulls out some cheese balls
L: catch
He throws it at Chloe
C: what? Wait what are you throwing?!
Chloe covers herself with a pillow
L: chill it's just a cheese ball
He laughs
C: oh
Logan laughs again

C: stop laughing more throwing
L: ok catch
* Logan throws *
Chloe catches it
C: ha!
L: nice job
C: your turn?
L: I don't like cheese balls
C: what????
Are you serious?
L: no I'm Logan who's serious?
C: ha ha so funny
Chloe mocks
L: thanks it's my career
C: whatever but seriously you don't like cheese balls
L: yep
C: wow
L: what?
C: I'll let it slide but only because your my boyfriend
L: you we're gonna break up with me over a snack
C: no I wouldn't do that I was playing
L: oh good I was about to fight this bucket
C: you can't fight a bucket
L: yea you can
C: no you can't
L: yea you can
* Logan punches the bucket spilling the cheese balls on the carpet
C: Logan!
L: what?
C: you..

Chloe POV: calm down Chloe he's playing .. just make him clean it up

C: can you clean this up?
L: I will
C: good and you owe me a new bucket of cheese balls
L: your obsessed
He laughs
C: I am not
L: yes you are
C: whatever just clean my living room
L: ok fine you win but just one thing
C: what?
Logan grabs the can of pop Chloe was drinking and pours it on her

Chloe POV: he did not just do that.

L: Am I pushing your buttons yet ?

Chloe POV: hell yea you are I'm gonna

C: Wait what are you doing?

Logan walks over to Chloe's cabinets and pulls out a plate
L: so this would make you even more mad?
C: don't you dare Logan I'm not playing  don't throw that plat —
* Logan throws the plate*
C: Did you drink to much wine or something stop making messes !
L: sorry you're just cute when your aggravated
He laughs
C: just clean up the plate and the pop and the cheese balls
I'm gonna go change my clothes thanks to someone
L: your welcome
He grins

Chloe POV: I finish changing and sit back down on the couch
I'm exhausted
Logan is still cleaning up the plate he threw
What got into him? He was trying to push my buttons? Why?

Guys I'm exhausted.. I've been standing in line since 5 Friday is sucking the energy from me as each hour goes by and I'm so tired so this is the only chapter you guys get today but I will update tomorrow and also I started a Lalissa book so feel free to check that out if you want to

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