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It's 10:00

Logan is sitting at his desk editing

Evan: I'm out bro
L: where you going?
Evan: to meet up with Olivia
L: oh my boi smashing?

Evan POV: Nope

Evan: Do you need anything?
L: yea can you bring back—
Evan: Other than Chloe

Logan is quiet

Evan: see I knew you were going to say that
L: No - no - I wasn't
Evan: what were you going to say then?
L: to bring bring back...
Evan: We go to a sports academy and all you talk about is Chloe bro
You needed this break from her
You're becoming what do they call it?
L: an adult?
Evan: no more like one of those people who love their significant other way to much
L: oh
Evan: Well if you don't need anything I'm heading out bye
L: bye...

Evan leaves

Kong walks up to Logan

He picks Kong up

L: I did not only talk about Chloe Kong

Kong just looks at him

L: I talked about me missing her call but when I called back she didn't answer
There's a difference!

Logan POV: I bet Kong misses Wally and Arthur
He's probably lonely now without other dogs around the house

*Knock knock*

Kong starts barking

Logan POV: Who is that?

Logan stands up and places Kong down on the floor

He opens the door

L: Lydia

Lydia walks in

Lydia: Sorry I left my computer here
L: oh it's on the table
Lydia: thanks

She grabs her computer

Lydia: well that's all I came for
Bye I'll see you tomorrow
L: bye...

Lydia leaves

Logan locks the door and makes his way back to his desk

He sits back down

L: Ah!
He yells
Come on Logan finish this vlog!

He slaps himself across the face

Logan POV: Get hyped!
I gotta get hyped!

Chloe is in her trailer packing up her purse

Elizabeth walks in

Elizabeth: see you tomorrow Chloe
C: bye Liz

Chloe POV: Ok I grabbed my clothes, my shoes, my jacket
What am I missing?
Oh my phone!

Chloe walks over to the couch and unplugs her phone from the charger and grabs it

Chloe POV: 1 missed call from Logan

Chloe calls him back

No answer...

Chloe POV: What????

Evan walks through the front door

Evan: Logan I'm home!

Evan POV: No sign of Logan

Evan opens the bedroom door

Evan: Logan you in here?
He yells from the door

L: Yea I'm taking a shower
Logan yells back

Evan: ok just making sure
L: ok

Evan closes the door

10 minutes later

Logan walks out with clothes on but with wet hair

He shakes his hair

He sits on the bed to put socks on

Chloe opens the front door

Chloe POV: I forgot to give Logan back his house key

She walks in closing the door behind her

Chloe POV: No sign of Logan here

Chloe opens the bedroom door

L: Chloe?
C: Hi

Logan runs up to her hugging her
He spins her around

Chloe is laughing

L: Wait how did you get in?
C: I have a key
L: oh yea
C: yea
L: I missed you
C: I missed you too

Logan grabs Chloe and pecks her lips

C: I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls
L: same here
I was busy vlogging
C: yea I was on set so I left my phone in the trailer to charge
L: it's ok
C: You were right
L: huh?
C: We're not gonna see each other as much as we use too

Logan wraps his arms around Chloe

L: we'll we're together now
C: yea

Chloe pecks his lips

C: so what did you do today?
L: I went to a sports academy with my boys
C: and?
L: that's pretty much it
I ended the vlog not to long ago
C: oh
L: yea you?
C: well after Sonia and I finished shopping I went to set for the rest of the day
L: oh did you eat dinner yet?
C: not yet...
L: wanna go eat?
C: you haven't ate?
L: no I've been editing
C: sure let's go eat then
L: ok let's go

Brendan: So I've cleared my schedule and we can go tomorrow if you're not busy
Lydia: I'll have to check with Logan
Brendan: ok that's fine

Lydia POV: I'm gonna have to cancel Zac

Chloe and Logan are in the Yeti

Logan is driving

C: Yes can I have one two person table
Thank you so much
L: Did you get it?
C: yea
L: Is having sushi for dinner bad for you?
C: I mean there's not only sushi at this place
L: I know that but that was what we were going to eat
C: I'm sure it's fine
L: yea let's just do it
Be mavericks
C: yea that's the spirit!
L: yea!
C: Woah!
Focus on the road Logan.

L: sorry
Logan laughs

L: I got distracted

(Lydia and Zac's text)

Lydia: I'm gonna have to cancel tomorrow sorry
Zac: Why?
Lydia: Something came up with Logan
Zac: oh ok it's fine then
Lydia: thanks for understanding
Zac: no problem

Lydia POV: I should just be truthful with him..

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