Chapter 1 (Changes)

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*2 years later*

Dallas' POV

I got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair still the same brown color it was when I was 14, just longer, "things got to change" I said to myself. I ran my brush through my hair, setting it down I threw my hair up into a messy bun and walked down to the kitchen I grabbed a bowl, a spoon, fruit loops, and milk. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the island and began to eat.

Suddenly my check was stinging, "ah" I screeched holding my check, I heard a fit of laughter from behind me, I spun around quickly, "HAYES BENJAMIN GRIER!!!" I screamed, "you son of bi-biscuit" I shouted. Hayes jumped up running up the stairs, "thats what I thought, Dallas Nikole" my mother said scolding me. I jumped up off the bar stool and bolted up the stairs straight to Hayes door. I tried opening the door but it was locked.

Hayes' POV

I locked the door and sat on my bed panting, suddenly the door knob started jiggling, and who I assumed to be Dallas was pounding on the door, "Hayes you open this door now or, or , I'll throw your Mac book in the pool" she said angrily. Oh no, I'm so stupid, I left that thing downstairs, "you wouldn't" I said through clenched teeth, "try me" she said back. I'm stuck do I unlock the door? or risk my Mac book? I hurried to the door and unlocked it running back to my bed and jumped under the covers.

The door busted open, then all of a sudden I felt pressure on me. The blanket flew up, next thing I know I felt this sudden liquid run up my cheek, "DALLAS!!! Did you just lick me?!" I shouted, "haha, yeah" she said laughing, "ewww!" I whined, "it was ether that or bye-bye MacBook" she said walking out of the room. God that girl never changes.

I grabbed my phone and decided to tweet, 'well @dallas_grier_45 just licked me. I guess that's what I get for smack caming her. P.s go check out the vine 😂😂' I got off my phone and locked it. I sighed ahh happy moments with Dallas, couldn't ask for a better twin.


I know, I know, kill me. It was short but at least I updated, I hope you enjoy this first chapter and many more to come.

Go check out my Collab account with my friend, our account is called, @kayleen_sammy, and read our Hayes and Nash Grier fan fiction.

I love ya'll<3


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