Chapter 4 (let the planning begin)

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Hayes' POV

"Hey babe" Sasha spoke.

I smiled and waved at the camera, "hi!"

"what's Dallas doing?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Just wondering, she is ignoring me."

"I don't blame her" I whispered to myself. "Yeah I don't know" I said answering her

"Who is this Lydia chick"

"Her best friend"

"Wow, she found a new friend"

"I would too if you treated me that way"

"What do you mean?"

"You socially humiliated her"

"No I didn't"

"Whatever. I'm gonna go Chad is coming over, love ya"

I logged off of the computer, "ok so how should we do this" I asked, "I was thinking a treasure hunt, or something" Chad said not taking his eyes off the tv screen, "that would be cool but where would it lead to" I questioned, "well, back here, or at the beach under the bridge" he spoke looking at me, "are you sure you want to ask her out, I mean she is cray-cray" I spoke the truth, he nodded. We continued playing the Xbox making little conversation about his plans.

Dallas' POV

I laid in my bed, Nash came running and jumped on my bed, "Dallas mom is going to visit grandma for 2 weeks, and she's taking skylynn with her, and I asked if we could have a party, she said not unless you were there too, because she trusts you more" he said whispering the last part, I nodded, "I guess but if the party gets out of control I will personally escort every single person out of this house" I said.

Nash hugged me hard and ran out of the room screaming of excitement, I shook my head. That boy gets to happy sometimes, mom walked in my room "by sweetie, I love you, stay safe and keep the party under control" she told me and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, "oh I bought you hot wings and jacked Doritos, I hid them in the oven, 'cause you know the boys won't touch that stove" she said joking and walked out of the room, and in came Skylynn, "bye sissy. I love you" she hugged me and walked out.

I teared up, Skylynn has grown up so much, she acts older than what she is, and I adore that I'm her role model, and that's why I changed for the sake of Skylynn.

Hayes' POV

Chad and I finished up a game of COD (call of duty) and made a smoothie, "when do you plan on doing this" I asked, "probably in 3 days, so Friday" he said slurping up what was left of his smoothie, I took a sip of mine, "you better not try anything with her, your lucky she even trusts you after what happened with her and her first boyfriend" I stated, "listen, I promise I won't hurt your sister, if I do I would at least have the courage to explain everything, and dude I won't try anything I'm only 16" he said. Chad and I have a bond that grows every time we hang out, "aye, Hayes we're having a party tomorrow" Nash exclaimed, "yay" I said sarcastically.

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