Author's note #6

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All I have is one thing to say, "WHO THE HELL DID IT?!!" Like for real? Who hacked my original Instagram account?

Today (July 17, 2014) I was going to check my insta (my personal 1) I found out I was logged out, which is no biggie. So I tried logging in and it wouldn't work I knew I hadn't changed my password so I logged into my fanfiction account an searched up my personal IG.

What I found wasn't quit pleasant. I found all my pictures. Gone! My profile picture. Gone! My entire bio. Gone! In my bio I found '#HACKED' not exactly the best thing that's ever happened to me. So instead of trying to kill I've decided that I want to start a hashtag.

You can ether use it on twitter and tag me @lil_fishy8 or on Instagram @lil_fisha_8_fanfiction_account The hashtag is #slaythehacker

As promised though I'm announcing the parts that are opened.

Open parts:

1. Shawn's real girlfriend (poor Skylynn :( )

2. Jack G's girlfriend

3. Taylor's girlfriend

4. Carter's girlfriend

If I forgot anyone let me know, but the things I need are:

Hair Color::
Eye Color:

And that's about it. If you have any information on my hacker please tell me. Thanks:)

I love y'all


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