Chapter 48 (this this this that)

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*a week later*

Dallas' POV

"Wonder if I gave an ore-" I sang along to the song playing in the commercial, "how should I feel about this math homework" Skylynn asked sitting next to me, I looked over to her paper, "it's multiplication, I'd like to see you do my math homework" I said rolling my eyes. My math teacher Mrs. Farre thought that since Hayes was bad in her class yesterday, that in re-turn she would give me extra homework, plus Hayes gave me his homework, so he could take Taylor on some date.

Chad, was supposed to come over and help, but him and his family had something to do. "sissy, what's 7 times 9" Skylynn asked, "63" I said writing the answer down to my math work, "I'm, done" I said happily, I slammed shut my math book. I helped Skylynn finish her homework. "I'm bored!" Skylynn whined, "how about we got get some food, or see a movie" I said patting her leg, "movie and food" she said happily, "go up stairs and grab a jacket and come back down" I said, she dodged up stairs, and ran back down.

I slid on shoes, I threw on some random jacket, positive that it was Nash's jacket that he left here, I slid on some vans. I opened the door to my car, Skylynn got in the back, I turned on the radio, and 'Problem' by Iggy Azalea came on, me and Skylynn sang along, I vined Skylynn.

We go to the theatre, I slid out of my seat, followed by Skylynn, we walked into Jumbo Theatre, "two tickets, to see If I Stay" I spoke, I purchased the tickets. We walked to the theatre, picking good seats, I looked at the person a row in front of me, they looked so familiar, they had there arm around another person, it looked like Chad but then as they turned there head I knew it wasn't Chad it was...





Fact: My favorite ice cream place is Dairy Queen

A/N: look forward to the last two chapters😏

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