Chapter 21 (the one pt. 1)

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Nash's POV

I sorta invited everyone out as a little surprise for Dallas, cause' lately she's been so helpful. But I don't want to get all mushy so ha yeah.

"So who are these lovely girls that joined certain boys" Dallas asked, "this is my girlfriend, Naomi" Matt said gesturing to the girl sat next to him, "this is my girlfriend, Haliya" Cameron said hugging, Haliya. "This gorgeous girl is my girlfriend, Carly" Jack J. said kissing her cheek. (A/N: their descriptions are in the normal authors note)

Dallas' POV

"Nice to meet y'all, Im Dallas, their little sister" I said plopping down next to Chad and laying my head down on his shoulder, some of them gave me weird looks, "oh right this is my boyfriend, Chad" I said still laying on his shoulder. Before we came home we dropped Olivia, Jenni, and Lilly off.

We watched a couple movies and ended up watching, When a Stranger Calls, which is not to mention scary as hell. Every time anything scary happened, Chad would kiss me and I would snuggle into his chest. Eventually I couldn't get any closer, so I started burying my head into his neck.

At the end of the movie I was literally as close to Chad as I could be. This movie is gonna give me nightmares until next year, Chad was aloud to stay. I'm glad mum trusts me and Chad being alone, in the same room, all alone. That's actually a scary thought now that I think about it. But I promised her nothing would happen, possibly kissing, and that was all the farther I would let it get.

That actually a lie the farther I would let it get is making out and that will most likely happen because I mean come on, we're teenagers. So that's what happened when we were in my room, we stopped and talked for a little, then Chad started messing with my hair and made me sleepy, slowly I drifted off to sleep.









Fact- when I was younger I was in a mini version of a tornado.

A/N: so I think I'm ready to open up parts, but I won't mention what parts they are until the next others note. But I love writing, I hope the people I gave parts to enjoyed this chapter and I will be giving them a shout out so yeah, and there will be an extra shout out to someone asked for it and I thought I would help them. Sorry if I forgot someone and if I did message me on here because I delete kik conversations.

Description of the boy's GF's-

Naomi (Matt's GF)-

Height: 5'5

Eye Color: Bluish Green

Hair Color: Brunette

Age: 19

Haliya (Cam's GF)-

Height: 4'9

Eye Color: Chocolate Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Age: 22

Carly (Jack J's GF)-

Height: 4'11

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Age: 21

SHOUTOUT TO (in order of the descriptions above):




Shoutout to:


I love y'all


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