Chapter 15 (surprise)

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Quick little thing, make sure to read the whole authors note at the end :)

Nash's POV

I laid sprawled out on my bed with Star next to me. I petted her head and heard my phone ring, I picked it up.

Phone Conversation
N= Nash J=Jessica

N- "hey babe"

J- "Nash I have to tell you something"

N- "what is it"

J- "I cheated on you"

N- "it was one time right?"

J- "..."


N- "why? How long?"

J- "our whole relationship, and because you didn't fit my needs and wants on a certain level"

N- "your kidding me right?"

J- "no"

N- "you cheated on me our whole relationship just cause I wouldn't have sex with you?!"

J- "basically"

N- "bitch!"

End of conversation

I hung up the phone. Wow! I can't believe that just happened. I mean she told me clearly she wanted to wait until a certain time.


I sat on the couch next to Jeasica, making out, we we're home alone for a week. I didn't do anything but put my hand on her back. She flinched , "Nash don't you think we're going to fast?" Jessie asked, "I mean all I did was put my hand on your back, I wasn't planning on anything else" I said leaning backwards a little.

"I know but, I mean I'm not ready" she said, "I know and I understand that, like I said I wasn't planning in anything else besides making out" I said, "when I'm out of college is when I plan on losing my virgnity" she said.

(End of flashback)

I should have known something then because she started acting strange after that.
Fact- My brother, Cody, is 20 days younger than Hayes

A/N: I'm cutting out the quotes....

But, bam! Betcha didn't see that one coming. So the surprise is (drum roll please) the part of Nash's girlfriend is currently open.

So instead of sharing your description (which I will give details in a second) in the comments I insist that you message them to me, but if you don't care that it's out there then comment it.

Description Details-

Hair color:
Age: (doesn't really matter but if you want have a go at it)
Eye color:

That's about all I need but if you feel like giving other information then you can also send that. And one more thing make sure when you send that message also say why you sent it so when I check my message box and see a random description I won't be freaked out.


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