Chapter 5 (party time!!!)

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Nash's POV

Dallas lazily walked down the stairs in sweatpants, and a hot pink sports bra, "are you gonna put a shirt on?" I asked her, she nodded her head 'yes', that's another thing you should know about Dallas: if she's dressed already she isn't changing, unless it's something important. "Cam, Mahogany, and Matt are coming" I informed her, she smiled, "can Lydia come too" she asked with a puppy dog face, I nodded. She jumped of joy and ran up the stairs, Hayes walked up from the basement, "dayum it's hot" he said fanning himself, I plopped down on the couch and stared at the ceiling and closed my eyes, until the door opened and in walked Mahogany. She set up her stuff off in the corner of the living room, next was Matt, "Mattalie" Dallas shouted over the banister, she quickly ran down the stairs and hugged Matt, I gave him a questioning look.

Dallas' POV

I don't know where 'Mattalie' came from but that is gonna be Matt's new nickname. Nash 'bro hugged' him and I walked off to Mahogany and gave her a hug, we chatted a little before Lydia walked through the door. I introduced her to Mahogany and Matt. Then Cam walked through the door with Sasha, I groaned a little, Lydia and I walked to my room, "wanna get drinks" I asked, "yeah" she said nodding. I give her props for not fangirling while being in the same house as Cam, Matt, Nash, and Hayes.

We walked to the kitchen and I bumped into Jessie, "hey gurl, how's it going" she asked, "ehh, it's going. This is Lydia, Lydia this is Jessie Na-" I said getting cut off, "Nash's girlfriend, nice to meet ya" she said smiling, "girl you sure can remember names and faces" I said high fiving her, "hi Lydia, nice meeting you to" Jessica replied sweetly, we walked to the fridge and grabbed a couple drinks and headed off to my room.

*2 hours later*

There was a mass of people all over my house, music blasting throughout the house. I continuously walked around, until Lydia told me to calm down and live a little, so I did, even though I didn't want alcohol here people still brought it and I'm pretty sure Nash got a hold of some. If I could get drunk off of coke cola and cherry Pepsi, then I would be drunk off my butt right now. I slid past a group of people when one of them grabbed my arm. "Hey hottie wanna grab a room" he asked, "hell no! get your hands off me" I said slapping his arm away.

He shook his head 'no', "sweetheart whether you like it or not we're getting a room and you are pleasing me" he said gritting his teeth, "NASH!" I screamed, no response, "NASH!" I scream again, I was pulled away by someone, I looked over to see Matt "keep your hands off my sister, you fucker!" he spat. The dude raised his hands in defense "if I knew she had boyfriend, I woulda backed off bro" he said, "he is not my boyfriend" I screeched, I pointed to the door, "out!" I said gritting my teeth, he and his group of friends walked out the door.

Nash walked over, "what the hell Dallas?" Nash slurred, "they just tried rapping and if Matt didn't come to my rescue, I would have been raped!" I screeched, "uh huh, sure Dallas, just because your not having fun doesn't mean that we aren't" he spat, "Nash I could have got pregnant for all you care" I said, "yeah, ok. They wouldn't have touched you, they know how it goes" he said, Matt walked away. There it went my last little hope, Matt, "Nash he did, your just drunk, come on let's go" I said pulling him towards the stairs, he pushed me forcefully which caused me to fall backwards on my butt, "you are such a horrible sister, I hate you Dallas Nikole Grier!!" he said frustrated, I stood up, tears welling my eyes and ran to my room. Well I thought he was my favorite brother, but Hamilton Nash Grier is dead to me!

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