Chapter 37 (he's gone-.-)

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Skylnn's POV

Yesterday Hayes left, yesterday Shawn and I broke up, yesterday I had to play horse by myself, yesterday Dallas and Hayes fought, so yesterday was horrible. Worst day of my life, we technically I can't say that cause' I'm only 7 and I haven't even experienced life.

I walked in to Dallas' room, she was sprawled out on her bed, while Taylor was all sprawled out over the extra bed under Dallas' bed. "DALLAS! TAYLOR!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, both girls jumped up, "aghhh!" Dallas screeched, "what the hel-lp Sky" Taylor said, "I don't know, just thought I would wake you two up, before mom found y'all sleeping still" I said, "thanks for looking out for us" Dallas said smiling.

"Also, mom and I are going to meet up with Karen, and Rebecca, mom said y'all should go hang out with Danika and Autumn" I said as I walked out of her room and down to the kitchen.

Dallas' POV

"Fuckin Danika an Autumn" I said angrily, I knew if I didn't my mom wouldn't be to happy with me and it would ether be bye bye MacBook or bye bye iPhone, "who's Dankia and Autumn" Taylor asked, "don' even get me started" I said face palming, "so that's a 'you'll see when you meet them' sorta thing" she asked, I nodded, "yes, please don't be like that, all girly" I pleaded, she laughed, "trust me I won't" she said.

After walking there, we stood awkwardly in Danika's room, "makeover" Danika screeched, "listen, I don't do makeup, or girly clothes so, no!" I said smacking away the makeup bag, "where does my brother get that your cute" Danika spoke, Autumn hasn't really been saying anything.

"Because she doesn't cake on makeup and act plastic" Taylor said smirking, "just like you, why does Hayes have a interest in you" she asked, "same answer" I said. Autumn rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, "listen I don't like you Dallas, your a little skanky whore, who is using my brother, why'd you even come here, no one likes you here, my mom hates you, Chad hates you, Evan hates you, and the rest of my siblings hate you, now leave" she commanded without hesitation I ran out her room, down the stairs, bumping into Chad and Evan, I ran out the front door and for my house.

Taylor walked in my room, "hey girl, don't believe what Danika said, but I have to get going, see you tomorrow" she said, I smiled at her as she walked out the door.





QOTC: Do you read all of my books?

A/N: first off I wanna say it's not even physically possible to own Hayes, or Matt, or any of the boys. They are people not property-.-

Ok so, I don't know, Im so bored:) but I hoped y'all enjoyed, I don't quite remember but I think @LikeWhooEspinosa gave the idea to jump in a river while shouting "Peace Twinsers" correct me if I'm wrong, cause' I don't want to give credit to someone who didn't give me the idea. But anyways I was thinking I might do that, cause' I want to edit, and type 'My Life Story' but I want it to be perfect, so I might take a month to type, edit, and upload it.

If I can't jump in a river, than maybe I'll do the ice bucket challenge. I want to do like a little thing, so I actually need a bio change on here, so give me your opinions on having a contest and people submitting bio's to me, for my wattpad bio.

Love y'all, peace Twinsers


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