Chapter 47 (love love love...hate?)

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Dallas' POV

No one knows how agonizing it was being in a come for 4 months, and being able to walk with my family and see them depressed made everything worse, but now I'm home, and I plan on staying home for a while. I smiled at my wall, the same green, wen I was younger I remember complaining to my mother about it, then I grew to love it.

"Dallas! You have awaiting visitors!" I heard mom shout, I got up looking at my outfit; Hayes basketball shorts, and a old 'Nashty' tee. I shrugged and walked downstairs, unfortunately I have a broken arm and leg, so it was a little complicated to do so. Finally I made it, I smiled at Chad, I slowly waddled to him, kissing him I front of my mom, dad, brothers, and little sister, I pulled away and smiled, "I love you, don't leave me ever again" he said scolding me, "I don't plan to" I said smiling and kissing him again, "Taylor!" I said squealing, I wrapped my arms around her, her doing the same, "I missed you so much" she said.

"Lydia! oh my god!" I said excitedly, I threw my arms around her, "I missed you" she said crying, "no crying! I'm here" I scolded, she smiled wide, I saw Evan holding her hand and smiling big, I threw my arms around him, "hey buddy" I said smiling as I pulled away. He laughed, "no 'I missed you so much' I feel so unloved" he said laughing, I rolled my eyes at his over dramaticness. "Movies, and friend bonding time" I screeched, mom, and dad laughed, it's cool seeing mom and dad having a good time although there divorced, I'm glad that this traumatic thing brought them closer, I smiled. I grabbed my MacBook from under the couch, mentally laughing at the last place I left it. I put netflix on the tv,plopping down next to Chad, he threw his arm over my shoulder, I smiled and kissed his cheek, I opened 'le MacBook' up, as I call it, I logged onto 'twitta' as Teresa Caputo would say.

Seeing the worst thing ever, a tweet about two of the girls cheating on two of the boys, and even worse, it was Naomi and Kaleigh, I sighed, feeling sadden, I totally thought Naomi and Kaleigh are good girls, then a thought popped up in my head; maybe it's jealousy, photo shopped, or a older picture.

I got so annoyed, so I just scrolled away, I can't judge, I don't even know the real story, suddenly 'le MacBook' popped up with a notification, as a requesting FaceTime from 'Kaleigh doe✌️' I accepted it, I slowly got up, mouthing a 'I got to take this' to Chad, I walked to the downstairs bathroom. On the screen appeared a makeup stained Kaleigh, she began crying, "he broke up with me" I heard her mumbled, "awh hell nah" I said, she began crying harder, "I didn't do it" she as more makeup washed down her face, it's so hard telling her things are going to be ok,"I love him" she cried out, "hey, listen Kaleigh, I know it hurts, but crying isn't going to make anything better" I said sighing, she looked up, her face red, with makeup and sadness, "go wipe the makeup off" I said smiling, she let out a short giggle.

After she wiped it off, she came back, we began planning things, like her coming down to North Carolina with me and hanging out, and get her boy Gilinsky back. "Night, sweet dreams, see you soon" she said, I smiled "see you soon, sweet dreams" I said, we ended the call. I walked back to the living room sitting in the same spot, I opened twitter one last time, and chose on tweeting something simple and obviously going towards Jack G. but obviously not tagging him.

'dallas_grier_45 actions speak louder than words, keep that in mind, someone'

Although Jack won't even understand that, he'll probably re-tweet it, and have no clue it's about him. I lied, I decided on tweeting again mostly to my boys, but only mentioning one of them.

'dallas_grier_45 I miss all of muh boys, especially JJ'

Tagging people is lame, maybe I am just in a lying rampage today, because tweeting is addicting, I just never no what to tweet, that is except for today, I planned another tweet.

'dallas_grier_45 hanging w/ da second family @itstaylorrr @HayesGrier @EvanBrunner @ChazanChad @Lydia_Winters

*skip four hours*

It's currently 9:30 and I lay flat on the living floor bored out of my mind, "Dallas Nikole, come here" I hear dad shout, I got up and wobbled to kitchen, "here, you and Hayes both got new phones, no breaking them" he said handing me a apple product, it was an iPhone 5c, although the iPhone 7 is already out I want my 5c, the same color as my old phone, I smiled crazy, he handed Hayes a box, but his read iPhone 6, I smiled he got the phone he's want for a year or two, I looked up to dad, "late birthday present" he smiled, I hugged him tight, "cast, Dallas, hurts" he mumbled out, I laughed and let go of him, "same number" I ask, he nodded, "it was hard, but same number and same contacts" he said smiling, I dialed Naomi's numbers, it went to voicemail, so I left a message, "hey Naomi, it's Dallas, call me back when ever you can, stay strong boob, peace" I said hanging up, I slid my phone down into the pockets of m- Hayes' shorts, I walked around the house merrily, "Dallas" Hayes says jumping out of the hallway closet, causing me to jump, "sorry, but what if we had another meet up, somewhere" he said smiling like a goof, "first off why where you in there? and second, you have Famtour to finish, I can wait until you come back" I said smiling, he frowned, "oh yeah" he said, I rubbed his shoulder, "hey, listen, don't be down, how about I come with you I just don't make an appearance at the shows unless aloud to" I said hugging him, he nodded into my shoulder.

Hayes and I ran around the backyard playing football, as Nash, did what he does best, FaceTime Blue, no hate, I just think it's cute, awe, it melts my heart, weirdo, Hayes threw the ball, it hit me in the forehead, "you should've ran for it" he said, I snorted, "run? I look like a dying walrus taking it's last breath when I run" I said as he died of laughter on the ground, I walked over to the back porch thing, grabbed my two blankets an two pillows and walked back to Hayes, I laid it out, "wanna lay here with me" I asked he nodded, we laid down on the blanket, covering up, Star came over and plopped down, after I let her under the blankets. I sighed, my eyes became heavy, I shut them and fell to sleep.






QOTC: How was your first week of school?

A/N; it's football day, GO STEELERS! haha but anyways, I want to do something fun:) so if y'all would like, I'd appreciate it very, very much, if you'd like to submit some cover photos for dis book, I would love it. If you want you can kik them to me @lil_fisha_8 you can direct message them to me on Instagram @matt_is_lifeee you can post them on twitter and tag me @lil_fishy8 or you can just post them on Instagram and tag me @matt_is_lifeee

Like I said I would appreciate it very much, school tomorrow like BLAH! haha jk, I actually like school so far, my teachers aren't complete jerks, yay me, haha, wow! So I had something else to say but then I forgot, then I thought of something else while trying to think of what I was going to say, what is wrong with me? But like I was gonna say after I forgot the other thing, this book is coming to an end shortly :'( so sad, ok so do you want me to end this book in this one, or have a trilogy? You chose:)

1] Trilogy


2] end it with this book

Love y'all, peace Twinsers



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