Chapter 16 (more than we planned)

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Hayes' POV

Dallas, Chad, Lilly, and I were all sprawled out over the living room. I laid on the long couch, Lilly was laying on the love seat (A/N: the double seater couch), and Dallas an Chad were cuddling on the floor flirting. Nash came rushing down the stairs and slapped his hands down on the couch hard.

Lilly and I jumped, "what the heck Hamilton" Lilly asked glaring at him holding her chest, "sorry, but this bitch" he said with an angry expression, "woah, Nash what's wrong" I asked, "that bitch cheated on me" he said balling his fists.

As all this was going on Dallas and Chad were wrestling, but at the mention of the word 'cheat' Dallas shot up and stopped, "who the hell cheated on who" she said standing up, "Jessica. She said I didn't meet her need and wants on a certain level, so she went behind my back and cheated on me the whole relationship" he said.

"So she cheated on you because you respected her choice" Dallas asked, "basically, but how do you know what she told me" Nash asked, "Nash we used to be inseparable, you told me everything I told you everything, if I was picked on in school you were always there for me, if Hayes and I had fights you always took my side" she said in a duh tone, "oh yeah" I said scratching his head.

Dallas' POV

At the mention of the words 'Jessica cheated' I started mentally planning her murder and who all would be involved. No one messes with my Nashypoo.

"Wait, wait Nash" I said, "what?" he asked plopping down next to Lilly. By now Chad and I were sitting on the couch with Hayes.

"Think about it, she cheated on you through your whole relationship, but when the whole 'Hayes ex-girlfriends' problem popped up she was hardly around, but when she was, she was sucking up to me and getting information of my past, and she was always on her phone" I said pointing out the obvious.

He nodded his head in amazement, "great observation" Nash said giving me a smile, "yeah but Nash, I think she's just now telling because she wants you to suffer, so what about tomorrow, me, you, Lilly, and Olivia go to the mall with baby Jennifer and get you a knew babe" I said, "but why all girls" he whined, "let's see. if we sent you out with all boys, they would point out the pretty chicks, but looks don't matter Nash, personality. Logical explanation in simplest form is you take boys your gonna get the looks but not the correct personality, but if you take girls and a baby you would get personality and looks, plus babies Are tots chick magnets. But as we're looking, remember personality before looks" I said taking a big huff of air.

Nash's POV

My dearest little sister, Dallas, she's got some brains. "Ok so one thing I'm gonna say is that I would always put personality before looks" I said, Dallas gave me a look and started laughing, "what" I whined, "Nash I know you, you would put looks before personality" She said, I gave her a look and she smirked.

We all got quiet until....
Fact- I hate always having to start conversations with people

A/N: Hello people of earth!

So I left you hangin with a cliff hanger and don't worry @MagconFamilyForever your question will be answered next chapter (hopefully. I think) this is a long chapter and I hope you like it.

But I'm pretty sure I have the final three contestants, but you will know if your the final three, if I ask you to make a collage of you and Nash, and a little thing if why I should chose you. Then ether send it to me on Kik or post it on Instagram and tag me. But you will not know any of this until tomorrow.

Also shout out to @MagconFamilyForever for noticing that there was no real connection to Jessica.

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