Chapter 10 (apoloigies&movies)

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Hayes POV

"Really? Do I have to go?" I asked, "Nash is the one who would go see movies like this with me but he hasn't apologized so your next" Dallas said sticking her tongue out at me, "one sec" I said running up to Nash's room, "dude you gotta go with Dallas to see that dumb movie" I said, "the fault in our stars is not a dumb movie it gets to the heart man, you should read the book" he said tearing up. I started laughing, "are you serious Nash?" I questioned, he nodded his head.

Nash's POV

I walked down the stairs, "Dallas, I'm sorry for everything" I spoke, "yeah yeah, come see the fault in our stars, please" she asked with a puppy dog face, I nodded.

The front door opened and in walked my dad, "daddy" Dallas jumped up and hugged him tightly, "aye dad" I said and hugged him, Dallas let go and walked up stairs.

Dallas' POV

'Going to see the fault in our stars with @nashgrier at jumbo theaters'

I put on sweat pants, Hayes' favorite kool-aid shirt I stole from him, and converse. I walked down the stairs, "ready Rash"I asked. Nash turned and looked at me, "I thought we would never speak of that name again" he said "sorry" I said remembering the memory...

Nashback (A/N:hehe get ok.)

I laid on the couch staring at the blank tv, "mom, what's this big red thing" I heard 7 year old Nash ask my mom, "Nash honey that's a rash" my moms sweet voice spoke, I jumped up "Rash Nash" I teased...

End of Nashback

"Good times" I breathes out, we walked out to the drive way and got in his truck. "What theater" Nash questioned, "Jumbo theatre" I said.

We pulled in the parking lot, once I got out of the truck I was mobbed by fans. I pulled out my phone and went on the vine app and spoke "I guess this is why we don't tweet where we're going" and showed the mob of fans and got off my phone.

We made it in the theatre and order a big bucket of popcorn to share and two drinks. we got into the theatre and sat down, let the waterworks flow.

"If the work is good, what does it matter? I'm doing it because I love it. Why not do as many things I love as I can? As long as the work is good."
~James Franco

Fact: I don't open up to people when I'm sad or don't know them

A/N: I hope that was good. Sorry for the wait, but on June 7, 2014 my cousin Dillon and his wife Stephanie were married, but sadly my aunt passed that morning at like 4am, and the day before I went to the hospital to see her and she told Dillon she wanted to be at his wedding, the next morning I cried a lot.

I love y'all💜

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