Chapter 17 (NO WAY!)

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Nash's POV

We all got quiet until...

Jessica walked in with some guy, "is that Jessica" Lilly whispered to me, "yes" I whispered back, "what the heck is she doing here" Lilly whispered again, "I have no clue" I whispered back.

Dallas stood up, "what the hell are you doing here cheater" she said sassily, "to watch a show" Jessica smirked, I didn't understand what she said, but apparently Dallas did "I swear if that dude lays a hand on ether of my brothers the cops will be here and your ass will be in jail" she said pointing to the guy.

Dallas' POV

Apparently I'm the only one with a brain because she was so totally obvious when she said that. "We aren't the only ones here, come in girls" Jessica shouted at the closed front door, in walked Jordan, and Brianna.

"What are they doing here" Hayes asked looking at them, "they're my sister's. you see we all have different dads but the same mom, after Jordan and Brianna went to jail their fathers sent them to live with their mom also being my mom, and yeah you should be able to put together the rest" she said.

"Um I'm going pee" Lilly said awkwardly walking towards me, "can you show me to the bathroom" she asked. I caught on and led her up to my room. She quickly dialed 9-1-1 and gave them information. We walked back down the stairs to the living room to find that dude holding everyone to gun point and Jordan, Jessica, and Brianna were putting all the curtains down. Lilly pushed up into my side shaking. I rubbed her hair and quickly sat down on the couch.

<5 minutes later>

Jessica, that guy, Brianna, and Jordan were out of the house and in jail. "Um. so did you, um, text Olivia and see if she and the baby wanted to stay tonight" I asked looking at Chad, "um actually I did before that physco came, and she said yeah" he said kissing my forehead an rubbing Lilly's back. "Ok looks like tomorrow is set then" I said and right then...
Fact: I get jealous easily.

A/N: how did you like the update and the second cliff hanger of the book? The update for wattpad on the iPhone's sweet!

Congratulations to @Bandlover978 you won the contest. But if you contested I messages some of you back and gave you some of the open parts.

I love y'all


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