Chapter 11 (obsession)

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Dallas' POV

2 and a half boxes of tissues later the movie was finally over. Nash and I got in his truck, "you up for some Dunkin Donuts?" he asked, I nodded. Truth is unlike the other typical white girls (as they call themselves) are obsessed with Starbucks, I'm that one typical white girl who is obsessed with Dunkin Donuts.

We pulled into the Dunkin drive thru, for like 4 minutes no one talked, "hello?" I asked politely, "hi welcome to Dunkin Donuts how may I take your order" she said in a snotty attitude (A/N: this has actually happened to me before and I was the one to say 'hello') "yes um I need on large blue raspberry coolatta, and a large Oreo coffee coolatta, with whip cream" Nash order, "that will be $6.49" she finished.

We pulled up to the window. The lady handed Nash our drinks, "listen I'm sorry I had to do your job but the least you could do is give a better attitude" I said, she gave me a dirty look and Nash drove away. We started cracking up laughing, "good one" he said high fiving me, I nodded.

Nash's POV

I never realized how much I missed Dallas. We pulled into the driveway and got out of the truck. We continuously sip our coolatta's. We walked into the house to find my dad chilling on the couch with his wife, Nila, also known as Will, Dallas, Hayes, and I's step mother. She is really sweet though and we love her like our real mother.

"Hey Nila, and dad" Dallas spoke, as plopped down on the couch next to Chad and Hayes. "Hassss. What were you and Chad doing while Dallas and I saw that movie" I asked sitting next to Nila, "we played video games and schtuff" Hayes said.


"A bully is like a murder and it's mean words are their knives"

~Kayleen Fisher

Fact: I truly am obsessed with Dunkin Donuts

A/N: I hope you enjoy the update.

I went an saw my very first

baseball game. It was fun!

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