Chapter 26 (Suprise Nash)

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Hayes' POV

I laid up on my bed with Star. My phone buzzed, another text from Sasha. She hasn't stopped texting me since what happened earlier. Finally I decided on looking at the recent one.

(Text convo)

S- Hayes please answer me. We need to talk.

H- what?!

S- please. we need to talk.

H- what's there to talk about, you cheated on me. it should be obvious.

S- call me there's more to the story.

(End of text convo)

Nash's POV

The living room door opened and in walked Dallas, Naomi, Haliya, Carly, and "Blue?" I asked. "Nash" she said excitedly, I ran to her and picked her up.

Cam came out of the kitchen, "babe! I missed you" he said kissing her on the lips, I can hear the crack of the whip. Who am I kidding, I'm like that with Blue, and we ain't even dating.

I kissed her cheek, "Dallas and I ran into each other at the mall and she wanted to surprise you" Blue said.

Hayes' POV

"Listen, I don't think you are understanding what I'm trying to say" I said looking deadly at Sasha, "I told you Hayes I was drunk, it was an accident" she said giving me puppy dog eyes, "no, how do I not know that you would go out again and get drunk, how I don't know, but you would cheat on me again, Sasha we are over" I said. I got up and walked away from the park where I met Sasha, her and I are over, never to be together again.

I walked into Starbucks, just because I felt like being there, I ordered a large Strawberry cream, which I will probably give to Dallas when I get home. I bumped into someone, I quickly sat my drink down and looked at the girl I knocked over, "I'm so sorry" I said helping her back up, "it's ok, it's not like I had a drink, then I would've been mad" she said, I laughed.

"I'm Taylor" she said smiling, "Hayes" I said, she nodded, "do you want to be my friend" I asked awkwardly, she laughed and nodded.
Fact: the drink Hayes order in this chapter, was my actual first drink from Starbucks.

A/N: I hope you don't mind but I'm going to skip a month and a half, so the things I have planed can work out. Anyways 'Taylor' the girl Hayes met, is actual a fan of my book.

She knew that with the way Hayes and Sasha's relationship was going that they would break up so since she made the prediction I asked her I she would like to take the part, she said yes, so like all the other people with parts got shoutout a so will she.

I have one last announcement so a couple chapters back I asked which name you liked better for my fandom, and y'all chose 'Twinsers' so that's what you'll forever be called.

Shoutout to:

I love y'all Twinsers<3


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