Chapter 41 (questions are answered)

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*1 month later*

Nash's POV

I can't watch teen wolf without thinking about Dallas, I can't drive past dunkin donuts without crying, I can't look at 'Jumbo Movie theatre' without tearing up, I can't look at fan tweets without wanting run to the hospital. Being in the same house that she lives in makes everything harder.

#prayforDallas has been trending number one world wide for a month, with over 5 million tweets. It's crazy, Dallas has gained more followers over the month, fans have been tweeting us things, not all are to nice, some saying were faking it all just for more fame. Fans have actually stopped following me and Hayes, why would we ever fake anything like this. I tweet maybe once a week, Hayes has tweeted once this whole month, he avoids his phone, he hasn't slept for a whole month, and avoids visual contact with anyone but Taylor (A/N: his girlfriend). We've all been out of our moods, even little Skylynn, she hasn't touched her horses, or anything she did with Dallas, she won't even look anyone in the eye.

This has effected the boys, their girlfriends, Chad, Chad's family, our family, and the fans, just yesterday we got answers of who did this, and surprisingly but then again not surprisingly it was a drunk driver, he's been convicted of some law, I never made the choice to pay attention in court. Mom stays all cooped up in her room, when she comes out it's to cook dinner and eat, while she's cooking you can see the sadness in her eyes, Dad won't answer phone calls, he doesn't leave the hotel room he's had for over a month besides to see how Dallas is.

That's been the past month, depression, and hospital. I'm pretty sure the boys are trying to come down, but with there busy schedules it's hard for them. They aren't exactly aloud to leave their events because Dallas isn't blood family, it fumes the boys, they've gotten into fights with their tour managers and almost got kicked off their tours. Haliya, Carly, Naomi, Skylar, Sidney, Kaleigh, and Izzy, the boys girlfriends, actually are flying down today. Something about they can't bear the wait of seeing one of their best friends, whatever that means. My phone began buzzing like crazy, I turned my attention to it, it was Blue trying to call me, I picked up.

Blue- "Hamilton I called you four times and you haven't answered once until now"

Nash- "sorry, depression hits hard"

Blue- "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude"

Nash- "it's all cool babe, Dallas was just the light in our world, and it's been shut off"

Blue- "it's sucks, I know baby, but the girls and I were wondering if you could open the door, it's raining and no ones answering the door"

Nash- "yeah, I'm coming now"

Blue- "ok"

I hung and ran down the stairs, I threw open the door, the girls all rushed in the house, I connected eyes with Blue, the biggest smile grew on my face, a real smile this whole month, the moment was perfect, I ran to her kissed her. We stood in the rain kissing, cheesy, but I remember one of the girls gossiping that Blue wanted her first kiss in the rain. She smiled into the kiss, as did I, we pulled away, "this is the happiest I've been in months" I spoke kissing her again. After a few minutes we pulled away, "we should go inside before we get sick" she said smiling big. The front door flew open, I forgot I shut it, mom came rushing out, "In the car now! Dallas went into a cardiac arrest!" mom said rushing to the car, I kissed Blue one time an ran to the car.

We reached the hospital in a matter of 3 minutes. We ran right past the front desk an up the emergency stairs to Dallas floor. Flinging open the door to the floor she is on, we ran to her room, the door was locked, we sat outside hearing an occasional "Clear!", mom was shuddering, tears pouring out of her eyes, I sit in shock, I feel nothing but shock, my bodies numb, my mind clear of any thoughts.

The door to Dallas' room slowly came opened, mom jumped up, "is she alright? is my baby okay?" she questioned, "it was a close one Elizabeth" the doctor spoke, "do you know how long she'll be in this coma, yet?" I asked, "we ran tests, they came up as 6 months, we'll be running them again tomorrow, she's had enough shock to her body today, go home, get some rest" he said, "no. I'm staying the night" I spoke up, "hunnie, Blue is at home waiting for you" mom spoke softly, "tell her, I'm staying with Dallas, she'll understand" I spoke softly while entering Dallas' room.

Hayes' POV

My phone laid next to me, it continually blew up with twitter notifications, "Hayes just turn you phone off" Taylor spoke snuggling into my side, I kissed her forehead, my phone vibrated again, I picked it up and threw it at my door, I heard a crack, Taylor flinched, "I'm sorry, it was driving me insane" I said wanting to rip my hair out.

Going on twitter makes this whole thing wrong. The fact that some of the fans think this is all fake makes me sick, my sister is in the hospital, in a coma, for who knows how long, and I hate it. I've never felt so much hate towards someone so much, Taylor told a few days ago, when I opened up to her, that the day before Dallas got hit, she and Danika got into a fight. Knowing Dallas, she probably thought to much, after Taylor told me that all, everything went together like a puzzle. I hope Danika feels the slightest bit of guilt. Chad doesn't really bother to come around, Karen told my mom that he doesn't leave his room unless they're going to visit Dallas.

People would think that we're all being over dramatic, but I think that they just don't know how it feels. Mom popped in, "I know I didn't tell to you sooner, but your stressing yourself to no end" she paused, "I just got back from the hospital, Dallas went into a cardiac arrest, we almost lost her, Nash went with me, and he's staying with her" she finished up. She shut the door, I began crying at the newly found news.

Sobs escaped my mouth, this is all harder because she's my twin sister and no one else's. Tomorrow, I'll take a visit to see her, I'll get things of my chest, and I'll make sure I'm there with Taylor. Although I won't sleep to night, I haven't slept in a month, no one, besides Taylor, has time to worry about me with a life already on the line. "I'm going to get you something, what do you want to drink and eat" she asked sliding out from underneath the covers. "Strawberry banana smoothie, and those Doritos jacked chips" I spoke hoarsely, "Hayes you need real food" she scolded, "fine, a grilled cheese" I whined.

A few minutes later Taylor comes back with my smoothie and grilled cheese. Her mom is willing to me her stay to make sure I stay healthily. Her mom really likes me, I meet her sometime this month, I smiled to her mother, but it was all fake. My thoughts have been all over the place this past month, different days, different thoughts, I finished up my sandwich, just beginning my smoothie.

After finishing my dinner, Taylor and I cuddled, "Hayes you should try getting sleep" she spoke into my neck, "I can't, it's all bad dreams, never anything good" I said, a tear slid down my cheek, I sobbed. Out of everyone in the house I think I'm taking this the worst, besides mom, "the girls are down there, they said something about the boys coming in tomorrow" she said wiping a tear away. Most people would think it'd be opposite, me comforting Taylor, but guys have feelings to, not just girls, guys are aloud to cry, not just girls, "has anyone heard from will" I asked, she nodded, "I got ahold if Hannah, she said, they'll be here in two days, after Will does something" she said yawning. I kissed her forehead, "get some sleep baby" I said, she laughed, "your the one who needs sleep" she spoke, I didn't exactly smile, but I did, she slowly closed her eyes, I actually see a future with Taylor, she's different than the other girls. I want to grow old with her, that is after Dallas gets out of the hospital. Slowly I drifted off to sleep, something I haven't had in a while.




QOTC: does anyone know why Hayes asked specifically for a strawberry-banana smoothie?

A/N: I hope you enjoyed, I made sure there was extra feelings in this chapter, and Blue, I did what you asked, you and Nash's first kiss, and your first kiss ever (at least in this book) was in the rain just like you wanted. Taylor I put a #haylor moment in:) so many feels from this chapter.

It was a close one with Dallas again. Hoping she doesn't pass away, as I wait in a corner, who am I kidding, I'm the author I know what's going to happen, and she definitely isn't going to live, just kidding, I wouldn't do that, no promises, ok I'm gonna go cause now in just rambling.

Love y'all, peace Twinsers



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