Chapter 42 (whats going on? Pt. 1)

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Nash's POV

I walked to Hayes room, I saw him, asleep? Hayes is asleep? He's sleeping for once in a month. I got home from the hospital a couple minutes ago, they're gonna be running tests again. After checking up on Hayes and Taylor, I took a trip down to Will's old room to check on the girls. Blue most importantly, I smiled at the thought of her, she's just beautiful, caring, loving, and so sweet. I opened the door to the room, to find them all up on there phones, cellular lights brightened every single on of their faces, and something else, it looked like, anger? "Hey y'all, what's got y'all so angry" I asked, all their heads shot up, it was creepy, "have you checked twitter?!" Haliya asked angrily, I shook my head 'no' in response. She got up from the floor an walked to me, she shoved her phone in my face, I grabbed it and put it to where I could actually read it, it was screen shotted because twitter is stupid and has a 140 character limit.

'@Christine_Daily_ no one should have any condolences for the Grier brothers, or Elizabeth. One Nash (@nashgrier) is a homophobic asshole who disrespects girls. Two Hayes (@hayesgrier) is a little inconsiderate man whore, who only goes for the sluts. Three, those other eight boys, have slutty, attention whored girlfriends, who know anything but having attention. Dallas (@dallas_grier_45) is obviously not they're actual sister, she looks nothing like Hayes, Nash, or Will, she most likely was adopted, and just lucky enough to get them. I don't see why people obsess over them, they're all so fake, and want fame, and I doubt that Dallas is even in a coma, or almost passed away yesterday. All these fans are to stupid to even notice the obvious, I hope I opened there eyes.

The tweet that went with the picture was just everyone who was involved in that tweet/picture was tagged. Fans began tweeting at the chick. Some agreeing and some quickly defending us, the girls really went wild, I possibly couldn't speak them to my mom, so many cuss words, crazy.

I tossed Haliya her phone back, the girls gave me a weird look, again creepy, "aren't you the least bit mad" Carly asked, "yeah, I'm more than mad, I'm beyond pissed. but if people want to believe any of that, then let them, my family and I know Dallas wasn't adopted, the boys, Hayes, and I all know our current girlfriends aren't sluts or attention whores, and we all for damn sure knew Dallas almost passed away! So for as much as I care, that fucking bitch can shove that tweet up her ass!" I said angrily, I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. are nowhere near as important a my BLOOD sister. I trudged down to the living room and sat on the couch, I left my phone in my room, good thing because if I didn't than I be hated on for the rest of my life. Not like I ain't hated now.

A knock came from the door, I walked over and opened it, "hello, Nash! how are you sweet heart" Karen spoke, "I'm fine what about you" I asked smiling, "Danika, an I came to chat wit your mom and you" she said smiling, I welcomed her in, shutting the door and walking to my moms room. "Mom, Karen and Danika are here to chat with me and you" I said, she looked over to me, my mom is always beautiful, but, DAMN! "why don't you and Hayes talk with her" she asked, "Hayes is actually sleeping, I don't want to ruin it" I said.








Fact: Saturday (August 30th) I'm going to Cedar Point for my very first time.

A/N: I'M FIVE FOOT TALL!!!! I feel like I've been leaving y'all with a buck of cliffhanger, oh well, you'll live with it:) I start school this Tuesday (September 2nd) yahp. So enjoy this, part two will be up whenever I finish typing it.

P.s. i may start a update schedule during the school year, than during the summer I'll break it, so it'll be only a summer thing.

Love y'all, peace Twinsers



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