Chspter 6 (meeting the Brunner's pt.1)

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*3 days later*

Dallas' POV

Today is Friday! Yeah! It has been really awkward walking in the hall at the same time Nash was, we still haven't made up and it's been 3 days. Nash told Hayes that he isnt going to apologize to me because I have to apologize to him in all honesty he should be apologizing to me. I still hate his guts! Chad and I are officially dating since yesterday, he told me his plan but it was storming so he came over and asked me out and we cuddled the rest of the day and watched movies.

Today I am supposed to go over his house and meet the Brunner's (Chad's family) minus Evan 'cause he is over most of the time playing video games with Hayes. I jumped in the shower, washing my hair and body. I shaved my legs, and jumped out, I dried off with a towel and put on under garments. I put on a pair of simple skinny jeans and a gray lose sweatshirt. I applied liquid eyeliner, mascara, skin toned eyeshadow, and blue rasberry Chapstick. I checked the time, 1:55, I still have 5 minutes till I have to leave, today was a crappy day, it had just finished raining and looked very gloomy outside.

I put on a pair of socks and pulled my gray pair of UGG's out of the closet, and sat them by the door. My door swung open and revealed a sad Sasha, "why?" is all she could say, "what?" I asked, "why did you do that" she said crying a little more, "what are you talking 'bout" I said patting the spot next to me on the bed, she mopped over and plopped down next to me, "I don't understand you said I cheated on Hayes" she said looking down, her tear stained cheeks all red, and her eyes bloodshot, "I have no clue what your talking about, I haven't been on twitter in two days" I said, "then someone hacked your account" she said.

Hayes came walking through the door, eyes bloodshot, cheeks tear stained, "is it true" he asked shooting a questioning glance at Sasha, she shook her head no, "guys just ignore it honestly, whoever it is, is setting out to destroy us" I said pointing out the obvious, they nodded and hugged, "can we be friends Dallas? I mean I never ever did say anything about you being lesbian" she said, I nodded and hugged her, "go cuddle and watch tv I have to leave" I said, they nodded and left. I sprayed some 'twilight woods' perfume and put on my pandora bracelet that Hayes got me for my 15th birthday.

Da BÆ- we are outside now<3

Dallas- ok I'm putting my shoes on now

I slipped not my Uggs and walked out of the room I was almost to the steps until....

A/N: uh oh what happened? I'm pretty sure it's predictable but who knows maybe it isn't. I have 5 and a half days left!


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