Chapter 30 (they're back)

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Dallas' POV

I finished purchasing 4 plane tickets to Akron, Chad and Taylor got the 'ok' to go with us, just as I finished booking the flight and the hotel, Lydia popped in the room, "hey" she said walking to us, "hey" I said smiling, "DALLAS! DOOR!" mom yelled.

I ran down the stairs, to the door, I opened it to find, "Gage!" I said excitedly and hugging him, (A/N: no it's not her ex, he moved away, this is here best friend from school) he hugged me back, Chad walked down the stairs towards me, we let go.

"Chad this is my best friend Gage, he moved like a week before I met you" I said holding Chad's hand, "nice to meet you, I'm Chad, her-" he started, "boyfriend" I cut him off, Gage smiled, Lydia, Hayes, and Taylor walked down the stairs.

We all sat on the couch, mom walked in, "mom, I forgot to mention that, tomorrow Hayes, Chad, Taylor, and I are going to Akron" I said cringing just waiting for a response, "for what" she asked, "we're visiting a cancer patient" I said, she smiled wide, a soft 'awe' slipped from her mouth, I smiled, "you two make me so proud" she said smiling.

"Johnny and I are going out, Skylynn is over a friends house, so behave you children" mom said as her and Johnny left the house. I kissed Chad, "so how long are we going to be in Akron" Hayes asked, "we get on the plane tomorrow, and land that night, so we can head to the hotel and sleep, the next day we'll go visit Chrystal and hang out with her, then Tuesday I guess we could have a little meet up, and Wednesday we could hang around, and Thursday morning we could get on the plane and fly home" I said, Hayes nodded.

*skip an hour*

"Bye Dallas" Gage and Lydia shout leaving the house, I hollered a 'bye', "so what time is it" I asked, currently me and Chad were sitting in my room, Taylor and Hayes are in Hayes' room packing.

"Seven, forty-five" he said checking his phone, I nodded, "do you think your mom would let you stay again" I asked, he nodded, "already asked" he said, I smiled, "smart ass" I whispered, "hm, what did you say" he asked, I laughed, "I said, smart ass" I said a little louder, he laughed.

I packed, one salmon pink 'hakuna matata' crop top, one white 'Nashty' shirt, one purple crop top with an Infinity sign, one black boy muscle tee, one pair of blue nike boy basketball shorts, one pair of white nike boy basketball shorts, one pair of plain white high waisted shorts, and a pair of white high waisted shorts with rows of daisies.

I put my brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, 'twilight woods' perfume, a razor, my phone charger, and a little bit of make up.

I plopped down on my bed, "who knew that packing for four days would take two hours" I said closing my eyes, Chad laughed, "Dallas, only you would take that long, you should have seen how many times you stopped to check your phone an to get snacks" he said laughing, I playfully punched his arm, "I'm glad you went home to pack and came back, because I wouldn't take sleeping alone for a little" I said getting under the covers and snuggling up to him.






QOTC: what attracted you to my book? (what made you want to read my book?)

A/N: go check out the wattpad movie trailer that alyssacarlson13 made on YouTube 'Twins || Grier Wattpad fanfic' I hope you watch it, and like it up, she did a excellent job.



My mom went to a concert with my cousin today (August 8th, 2014) and it was one of my favorite singers and she never asked me if I wanted to go, and I was pretty down about that because my family doesn't have all that much money to do things like that so it's a once in a life time opportunity for me, and that's also the reason I'll never meet Matt :'(

So that's why this update was sorta delayed, it would've been yesterday but yeah.

I love y'all

Peace Twinsers


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