Chapter 36 (bye Hayes)

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Dallas' POV

"What!" I asked in a high pitch voice, "yeah" Hayes said sadly, "just like that your leaving" I said turning away from him, the worst thing that could've ever happened an it did, "yeah, Famtour is starting and I'm flying out to Cali with Nash, Carter, and Cam" he said, I turned back around, "wow! your home, less than a week and your leaving me already" I asked shedding a tear, "Dallas we have to make the fans happy, they pay a lot of money to meet us" he said shrugging.

"Ok so what do I have to pay one hundred some fucking dollars, to spend point three seconds with my brother" I shrieked, "no, Dallas we can spend time when I get back" he said, "no, if it's this way then go, I don't want to see your face ever again Hayes, fans before family, but if it was Sky you would stay in a heartbeat. OUT! NOW!" I said shouting the last part. He walked out of the room with his head down.

I quickly texted Taylor telling her I would penny board to her house, I got up, and looked in the mirror, I currently looked like a tomato, red puffy eyes, and red tear stained cheeks. I grabbed one of Chad's hoodies and threw it on, I slid on a random pair of vans and grabbed my penny board, I walked down the stairs, "Dallas where are you going" my mom asked, "to go hang out with Taylor" I said opening the door and penny boarding to Taylor's house.

We hid our penny boards behind the bushes, "so why can't you go" Taylor asked as we entered the movie theaters, "two tickets to the giver" I spoke, I paid for our tickets, popcorn, and pop. We sat down in our seat.


I stood on the stage at Magcon Orlando, it's currently VIP hour where we can hang out with the fans before general admission come in, but me, I stood on the stage, Matt jumped the gate and began walking towards the stage, girls came mobbing towards the gate, I picked up the microphone, "why the hell do y'all do that? Run after them like that? I understand this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but they're, hell all of us here are teenagers, why can't y'all fans just treat us like that? it's so fucking annoying" I spoke, every single girl shut up, all attention was on me, "and when we get in and out of vehicles, y'all smack on the windows and scream and cry and obsess over something pointless, we are human beings, not fucking One Direction, or 5 Seconds of Summer. Chill the hell out, y'all shouldn't be so self centered, you get to meet them all in a hour, while there are hundred of other girls out there who most likely won't even get a chance to even take a picture with us" I finished putting the mic down, "your such a bitch" one fan screamed.

I jumped the gate and walked to her, Nash and Hayes rushed to me, holding me back, "I'm a bitch?" I laughed, "your so pathetic your just jealous that your brothers have more fame than you" she said touching my nose, "I don't give a fuck about fame, right now I would rather be home with myself, most of y'all are rich preppy bitches, who could talk anybody into giving you there tickets to come here, I would rather have fans here who couldn't afford it or wasn't quick enough, than you" I said trying to get out of the boys grip, "DALLAS!" Bart scolded, "and you, oh Bart Bordelon, you are such a fake ass man, all these girls are so fucking blind your using these boys for money, your such a fucking user" I screamed at him, "your banned, from any Magcon there is to come" he said.

I nodded, I walked up to the stage and grabbed my chapstick, my drink, and about 20 extra VIP passes, I got down off the stage walked around the gate, and out the main entrance of the venue, tons of girls began screaming, I looked at the security guard, "I'm going to pull 20 girls out of this line, and give them VIP passes, I want you to let them in" I demanded, they nodded, I pulled 20 random, calm girls, out of line handing them each a pass. I walked to the elevator and pressed the number to my floor.

:End of FlashbackP

I explained the story to Taylor but a shorter version, it's only commercials, "so what does Magcon have to do with Famtour? they're two different events" she said, "well see, ha, my behavior was reported so other managers read the report and yeah, none of them have been willing to let me join there tour" I said.

After seeing 'The Giver' which by the way was perfect, we penny boarded back to my house. We sat our boards in the garage, I like Taylor, she isn't like Jordan, or Brianna, or Sasah, and the sad part is it's horrible to be compared to those three. We walked in the house, "Taylor? what are you doing here?" Hayes asked, "it's girls night" she said as we walked to the kitchen, "how was the movie girls" mom asked, "freakishly awesome" I said happy, "yeah, I loved it, and I also had fun throwing popcorn at each other walking out" Taylor exclaimed. We laughed, my life, stands next to me.

After eating moms famous lasagna, Taylor and I chilled on my bed watching movies on Netflix. The usual, Hayes flight left an hour ago, him and Taylor were like, all up I each other, I guess that's how I'd be if I was leaving my boyfriend vice versa, Taylor clicked on some movie, "20 questions" she asked, I laughed, "hit me with 'em" I said laughing again.





Fact: I'm emotional when it comes to really sad movies or books.

A/N; ok so, Dallas and Chad's one year anniversary would be like a week or two after Dallas turns 18 so in the book a year, but since I'm the author, what the literal freak ever, just pretend it works out and go with it:)

So like I said, what are your opinions on the 'My Life Story' book? Yesterday (August 15th, 2014) was my mom and dads 16th year anniversary:D yay!

Love y'all, peace Twinsers


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