Chapter 46 (There's no place like home)

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Hayes' POV (A/N: only cause' I don't want to jump into Dallas' POV)

*3 days later*

Dallas is coming home today. Never have I ever been so happy in my life, I saw the door slowly open, in walked Mom, Dad, Dallas, and Nash. I smiled wide, I quickly hugged Dallas, squeezing her, not to tight to hurt her though. "you know what's funny" she asks, "what" I asked, "your older than me by two whole minutes" she said smirking, "what do you mean" I asked a little confused, "mom was wrong the whole time, I asked dad and he told me" she said smiling, "baby sister!" I squealed, "reminder, your a boy" Nash said wrapping Dallas in a hug, mom hollered up the stairs to Skylynn. A few minutes later you could hear little footsteps pounding down the stairs.

After hanging out and spending time with Dallas we went out to eat, spending even more family time with here. Every second she had a smile on her face, same as me, after dinner we decided on face timing the boys, cause' they didn't know she was awake or home. "Cammy! Haliya!" Dallas squealed looking at Cameron, and Haylia on the screen, pure shock poured over there face, "Dallas!" Haliya said excited.

That's how our last hours went, face timing the boys and their girlfriends, dming fans, following fans, tweeting a bunch, we're happy together, and that's how it will always be, wether were 50 years old having a cup of coffee, while visiting to see grandchildren, we'll always be twins, brothers and sister, forever together never apart.
Fact: I actually like school this year.

A/N; that's that chapter, it was short, but I felt bad for not updating a while. Also I think it's better if I just update in the weekend, so on weekdays I can be focused in school, than Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday, it'll be just me and my Twinsers.

Wether we're talking through comments or private messaging, it's doesn't matter, because y'all are important to me. Just remember I love y'all.

Peace Twinsers,



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