Chapter 14 (thigh gaps?)

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Dallas' POV

"What is your opinion on 'thigh gaps'" I read the question, "ok what the hell is a 'thigh gap'" I asked putting air quotations around the word 'thigh gap', "Dallas a 'thigh gap' is self explanatory, it's a space between your thighs" Lilly said, "well in that case I don't care" I said.

The video continued a little bit longer and we finished recording. We walked down to the the living room and sat on the couch. Will and his girlfriend, Hannah, sat down, "Dallas, we have news" Will said, "and that is what" I asked, "we're moving in together" Hannah said, "that's cool" I said, "yeah but I was wondering if you wanted to help me decorate the house and stuff" Hannah asked. I nodded "mhhm" I said as my phone buzzed, I took it out of my back pocket an looked at it.

Chad<3- hey what are you doing?

Dallas- just sitting here with Lilly, we just got done filming, whatcha doin

Chad<3- coming over...I got you candy

Dallas- what kind?

Chad<3- sour patch kids, sour skittles, lemon heads, and pixie sticks

Dallas- you're the best, I love you

Chad<3- I love you too

I locked my phone and sat it down on the stand.







"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

~Thomas A. Edison

Fact- One time I was so bored I took men's shaving cream and just put it all over my face, then took a shower.

A/N: I know it's not the best, but I'm trying. I'm thinking next chapter will have a lot more things happening, and next chapter you will have a surprise!

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