Chapter 12 (Chad meet Chad)

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Dallas' POV

"So Dallas who is this young man" my dad questioned, "dad this is my boyfriend Chad Brunner" I introduced them. My father nodded and shook Chad's hand, that went better than I thought.

_2 hours later_

Dad and Nila left with Nash to see Nash's new house that he'll be sharing with Carter and Cameron. Leaving Hayes, Chad, Skylynn, and Lilly home in one house until my mom gets home.

I walked to the kitchen and threw my empty Dunkin cup away and walked to the living room, "I'm going to take a shower" I said turning, "that's ok it's 9:15 now we should be heading home Lilly" Chad said, "can't I stay here with Dallas and spend the night?" she asked. Chad looked at me "I mean I'll have to ask and so will you" I said. Chad pulled out his phone and began typing, as did I.

Dallas- mom can Chad's little sister, Lilly stay?

Madre💜- yes sweetie. I'm going to go I'm at a meeting with Skylynn's teacher, I love you<3

Dallas- love you to mom<3

I locked my phone and slid it down into my pocket, "my mom said it's ok as long as it's ok with your mom" Chad spoke, "great, cause' my mom said yes too" I said. Chad stood up and walked to me, he kissed my forehead, "goodnight babe I love you. See you tomorrow maybe" he said walking to the door long enough for me to say 'night love you too.'

I quickly took a shower and got changed into a tank top and pj shorts, "I have a pair of pajamas and a outfit from the last time you stayed, do you want those or something of mine" I asked, "if you don't mind something of yours" she said, I handed her a pair of pj pants and a 'nashty' t-shirt.

I pulled out the bed underneath my bed and gave Lilly 2 pillows, and a comforter. We got settled into bed and soon dozed off to sleep.
"DNA doesn't make family. Love does"
~The Fosters

Fact: One time I stayed up all night and all day.

A/N: So this is a long chapter. That's a first in a while, thanks for 115k reads on 'Twins'.

Also if you wanna kik me, just privately message me your kik and I'll text you.

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