Chapter 3 (the ultimate truth)

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Dallas' POV

'Swerve @Lydia_Winters😅🙊' I posted the tweet. After I got back from my hair cut Nash, and Hayes complimented it, Lydia and I began to text and she told me a really funny story. My phone buzzed, I looked down at it.

Sasha- You are such a phony you make me sick😷

Yes I changed Sasha name in my phone, I ignored her stupidity and looked back up at the tv screen. I had ordered Divergent a few days ago and never got to it cause' of the insane work I had for school.

"Theo James!! God pure perfection!" I shouted, he mhm. My phone buzzed again so I looked down, once again.

Jordan- Wow!!! dyke

Me- What the hell are you talking about?

Jordan- look up #lesbehonestDallas on twitter.

I got on to twitter and searched the hashtag, I found a picture of me and Sasha when we were little and I was kissing her on the cheek (I remembered that day it was when her goldfish died) . I don't understand! She was basically my sister, I mean I kiss sky goodnight, so I wasn't aloud to kiss her because she was sad.

People were re-tweeting the picture and tweeting me nasty stuff, I found the tweet Sasha posted 'guys Dallas is lesbian, she made out with me and a couple girls from her school, that's why she isn't there anymore' I grew angry, "NO IT WASNT!!" I screamed.

Hayes walked in "your lesbian" he asked, "no! Hayes I'm not" I shrieked, "you don't have to deny it" he spoke, "Hayes I'm your twin sister. You, Nash, and mom all know I like Chad. I'm not lesbian!" I screamed.

I tweeted:

'Im not gay, y'all misunderstood that picture, it's all rumors'

I broke down in tears I can't believe it, Jordan got to her, along with the fame. Nash walked in, "are you ok?" he asked worriedly "n-no" I stuttered, he walked to me and wrapped me in a hug, I bawled in his shoulder.

Nash's POV

I felt terrible for Dallas I mean that isn't why she left school and I knew when Hayes believed all that junk it killed her more. She sat and cried in my shoulder for a long time.

Dallas' POV

After a while Nash left the room leaving me to peace, I took this time to text Cameron.

Me- Cameron! You need to get your sister under control! and right now. I will not take any of this she has no right to make up any drama. I don't understand what happened between us to make her like this but if you don't deal with this now, I will never ever, ever associate with you ever again or buy you pizza!

Cammybear- I don't even know what's going on. I mean I'm just eating pizza.

Me- check twitter, you and I both no I wasn't making a move on your sister in that picture. I was simply being a good friend.

Cammybear- Why did she do that? Girls are to much drama😩

Me- like you would you get a period??

Cammybear- to far dallas. I'll deal with it just don't worry. I GOTCHA SISTA!!😄

Me- you better. or no pizza🍕

I locked my phone, that kid kills me. I texted Lydia knowing she was probably thinking so many things right now.


Betcha didn't see that coming! Haha!

I love y'all!!😘


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