Chapter 9 (there's more?)

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Dallas' POV

Besides mom, and I going out to dinner with Chad and his mother, Nash is officially moving out with Cameron and I'm sorta happy but sad. He still hasn't apologized to me. I shook the thought away and jumped in the shower.

After I finished my shower I got dressed into a nice outfit (A/N: the outfit is on the Instagram fan account because I don't know how to describe it). I checked the time noticing it was only 11:45, I walked to my mom's room, "what are you wearing" I asked, "a nice top and a long skirt, with some flats" she said pointing out her outfit, I nodded and replied "well get dressed you have 15 minutes" she nodded and I walked out.

I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and took a sip an sat it on the island, Nash walked in, "what are you all dressed up for" he asked, "my date with Chad, and Karen" I said taking another sip, and twisting the cap back on.

*Skip to dinner*

Mom and I walked in "hello how may I help you" a waiter asked, "we're here under the name of Brunner" I said. She showed us to the table, where Chad, Kristen, and 3 other girls were sitting.

Mom and I sat down, "this is Annabell, Carley, and Rebecca, my 3 other daughters that weren't there when you met the other children" Kristen spoke, "is there any more" I asked, she shook her head 'no' and laughed, "mom you only met three of Chad's siblings, you still have to meet Autumn, Lilly, Trent, Evan, Danika, Hunter, and Olivia, I think that's it" I said.

A/N: so here is your update. Like I said I don't have internet so I'm using my mom an my grandma's iPhone to type, and it isn't really easy.

But, I got my hair dyed! It's only the tips but it's like greenish/bluish, I wanna get my whole hair dyed purple blue on the top and purple on the bottom.

Never mind the second 'getting to know the author' I'm gonna start doing QOTD (Quote of the Day) and I'm gonna do a fact.

QOTD: "The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool."

~Stephen King

Fact: I was born in Pennsylvania but raised in Ohio


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