Chapter 45 (school)

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<2 months and 2 weeks>

It's been 4 whole months today since Dallas has been in a coma, things I guess you could say, have halfway gone down the drain and halfway not, doesn't make sense b-,

"Hayes!" My teacher scolded, "yeah" I asked, "would you like to answer the question to number three" she asked, I looked down to number three, "four hundred-eighty, three" I said, she glared at me, "correct" she said in a stern voice.

Just as she was about to speak again, the bell went off indicating that 7th period was over, I rushed out the door with all my books in my hand, a few of my friends tried stopping me. I reached my locker, throwing everything in there and quickly grabbing my penny board, I walked out to the front entrance and met with Taylor, and Chad, "off to the hosiptal" I said.

*in front of Dallas' room*

"Wait, do you hear that?" Taylor asked, Chad and I noddes. It was voices, I slowly opened the door, "ah, Mr. Grier, just the person I was waiting for, we've got some good news and some bad news" the doctor spoke, I looked over and noticed that Dallas bed wasn't there, "what is it? where is she? she didn't pass did she?" I began asking a million questions.

He chuckled, and looked at me, "no, she's awake b-" I cut him off and began crying, Taylor wrapped her arms around me, I cried a little more, ad then began happy dancing, I looked sliver at Chad, he was happy dancing all by himself, so I walked over, and danced with him. "But right now they are running test, checking for anything major, and for any signs of amnesia" he said, I slowly stopped and plopped down on a chair. If I have to wait then oh well, I'd wait a million years for her, although I would die, but who cares figure of speech people! I laughed at how sassy I could be at times, whether they were just simply my thoughts or if I was talking to people.

*an hour later*

An hour had gone by, and the door finally opened, the very first movement in a hour. A nurse wheeled in a empty bed, followed by a wheel chair with awake Dallas, I wanted to run and jump right on to her, but giving that she has a broken leg, and arm, I couldn't. She smiled at me, "Hayes! Chad! Taylor!" she screeched in excitement, they helped her up into her bed, I walked over quickly, throwing an arm around her.

We all smiled big, "what songs, were on that playlist" she asked.





QOTC: was that the best cliffhanger yet?

A/N: betcha didn't see that one coming. Sorry for the late update, but Monday I changed my password to this account, then I forgot it. So yesterday (saturday Sept. 2nd) I tried something and obviously it worked, in so happy it did. When I couldn't log in I was so sad, that I would lose you Twinsers, and y'all are one thing I wouldn't take for granted.

I'm thinking you'll love that cliffhanger, I have big plans for this book. When it comes to an end, I have one question, will you stay with me?

I love y'all, peace Twinsers



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