Chapter 28 (whats that)

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+Still Friday+

Dallas' POV

I walked downstairs in what I threw on when me and Chad decided to watch movies, plaid pajama pants, and a burgundy tank top. I made it to the kitchen, I grabbed two waters and some bacon Mac 'n' cheese chips, I turned around and bumped into Hayes.

His eyes shot up to my neck, "Dallas what is that" he asked pointing to my neck, "don't be stupid dummy, you should know what it is" I said, "Ooo Dallas got a hickey" he said in a 'sing song' voice, "go ahead Hayes shout it to the world, I got a hickey" I said throwing my hands up in the air.

"Dallas got a what" Taylor said walking into the kitchen, "what is this, someone finds out something and everyone else needs to know" I said sarcastically, "for real what does Dallas got" Taylor asked asked confused, "Dallas, got a hickey" Hayes said in between laughs, I punched him in the arm, "ow" he said in a little girl voice.

I walked back to my room, "why do boys over exaggerate one little thing" I said laying back down with Chad, he played the movie and I opened the bag of chips and began eating them, one by one. My mouth got dry so I opened my water and took a drink, "what'd hayes do now" Chad asked, I blushed "he made the fact that you gave me a hickey noticeable" I said blushing again. "Awe babe" he said in a girly voice, I giggled.

We focused back on the movie, I quickly kissed him and then looked back at the movie, that's how the rest of the night went, Chad would give me surprise kisses, and I would return the favor of giving him random kisses, by the end of the movie I fell asleep in his arms.
Fact: all those dots are free^

A/N: yep that just happened. I don't care how short that was, or how bad it needed editing! MY BROTHER IS COMING HOME TOMORROW!!!! (August 7, 2014) YASSSSSS!!! I'm so excited. No lie I'll probably cry the minute he walks in the door, and I'm going to bed early to night.

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