Chapter 44 (the news story)

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*2 weeks later*

Hayes' POV

I plopped down on the couch, flipping on the tv, 27 first news was on. The boys flew in Friday, 2 days ago, they've been spending time with there girlfriends. Me? I can't, cause' Taylor went on a trip to Detroit for school shopping, a story caught my attention, so I actually paid attention to the tv.

"Last month a tragedy hit the vine family. Dallas Grier, sister of vine sensations Nash, and Hayes Grier, was hit by a drunk driver while riding her penny board across, a cross-walk. Currently she is in a coma, she has two broke rib cages, one broken leg, and one broken arm. Friday we interviewed vine sensations Cameron Dallas, Carter Reynolds, and Matthew Espinosa" the lady said in a fancy voice, it played a clip of the interview outside of the airport, "Cameron, Carter, and Matthew, it's known that your very close with Dallas, how are you taking this" she asked, "not so well" Carter spoke up, "yeah, she was like my sister, we did a lot of shopping together" Matt said showing a small smile, "Cameron how do you you fell about this" she asks, "um, I'm sad, she's like my little sister, I've been there for her, even when I'm halfway across the country from her" he said, a tear slipped from his eye, "there's been some drama stirring up in twitter, about all of this being fake, how do you feel about that?" she ask looking at Matt, "actually it's pretty stupid, just because some of our fans have done things like fake cancer for follows and stuff like that, they shouldn't think this is fake. This whole Dallas thing is serious, we've all lost about a hundred thousand followers this past month" Matt said looking behind him at I think Jack J. "What do you think about losing them followers" she asked Cameron, "I could care less, family is more important than some social media site, I mean yeah it took forever to build up that many followers, but I would trade it all to have Dallas awake" he said, Carter patted his back, "while your down here, are you going to visit her?" she asked Carter, "yeah, we flew down here to visit her, and support our girlfriends, and the Grier family, it's hard on all of us, especially her twin brother Hayes, Nash told us he hasn't been doing so well, I'm hoping she wakes up soon, we miss her" he said.

The tape cut and it went back to the lady at a desk, "fans have kept the hashtag pray for Dallas, trending for over a month, worldwide, with over six million tweets, Dallas is in everyone's prayer. About three or four days ago, she went into a cardiac arrest, doctor Venturi says, if they wouldn't have gotten to her as soon as they did, she would've passed, he also says, that he knows she's fighting to stay, her night time nurse Rhee, says they've been running test seeing if they can get an estimate amount of months of how long she'll be in this coma. Now to Calvin with the weather" she said, I changed the channel Disney.

I started crying, "Hayes, are you ok" I heard someone ask, I turned my head and saw Izzy, Taylor's girlfriend, "I don't know" I said in a cracky voice, tears streamed out of my eyes, she walked over to me, she sat down and wrapped her arms around me, "hey, buddy, it's ok, we'll go visit her today, maybe they'll have more news for us" she said squeezing me in a bear hug, I wrapped my arms around her, and cried into her shoulder, "think of it this way, your the reason she's fighting to stay, no doubt about it, maybe if you keep visiting her, it'll make it easier for her to wake up" she said rubbing my back, I'm a big baby, I nodded, "ok" I said sounding like a little kid, I pulled my face from her shoulder, "listen, I never want you to give up on her, she'd never do it to you, and you should never do it to her" she said, I nodded, she placed a kiss on my forehead.

Izzy got up, "get ready, I'm gonna go get Taylor, and we'll head out" she said, I nodded, I walked up the stairs with her, me stopping in my room, I grabbed a Hollister shirt and threw it on. I slid off my basketball shorts and pulled on a pair of sweat pants, I pulled out a pair socks, an put them on one by one. I grabbed my black vans from under my bed, slowly I slid them on, I grabbed a hoodie that I got while in Akron, I threw it on, my door opened a crack, letting in some light, "ready to go, bud" Taylor asked, I nodded.

*skip to being in Dallas' room*

Izzy, and Taylor left the room so I could have some alone time with Dallas, I know exactly what you expect a long cheesy speech, that's exactly what I'm gonna do to, so what I'm cheesy live with it. I sat myself down on a chair that I had previously pulled up to her bed, I took her hand in mine, I turned an looked at her.

"Dallas. I love you no matter what happens, although I prefer you stay. I don't think I could survive without you, your my life, my other half, my everything. Izzy and I talked earlier, she told me that when the doctor said your fighting to stay, that your fighting for me, and I believe it's true. Unless your staying for Chad, that'd be pretty screwed up. My phones in a pile in the corner of my room, looks like we both don't have phone, but I prefer it that way, I want you here with me. We've been through so much together, and you can't leave me now, you have a whole ahead of you. You still have to get married and have kids, an then die old with your husband, it isn't your time, you really need to wake up, no ones the same anymore, I really m-miss you, I mope around, mom mopes around, Nash mopes around, same with Skylynn and dad. We all miss you, Will and Hannah couldn't make it cause' football practice was jam packed, but they did say they would come up when they could. I promise that if you die I will to, no if's and's or but's, I can't be without you, because I would be practically dead, we were born twins for a reason, and that reason wasn't for us to die so young. We come in pairs, I want you to wake up, I want to take our kids on play dates, and reminisce about our childhood memories and y crazy ex-girlfriends, I want you to be able to hang out with Taylor while me and Chad are doing manly stuff or working, I want to do brother, sister things, and go to the movies, or get dunkin donuts and have our surprise meet-ups in random places without warning, I want to travel thee world with you. Yesterday I made a playlist on my phone of all our favorite songs that we'd listen to together, it's the only way I go to sleep, I've been checking you p.o box weekly" I paused as tears poured out of my eyes, "Star noticed that your gone to, she sleeps on your bed, even under the covers. I miss you so much, it's unbelievable, Wednesday I climbed our tree that's in the woods, it looks exactly the same, our carvings are still in there, ha, after 11 years they're still there, I cleaned and straightened my room ten times this past week, and I always out it back the way it was, messy and uneven, the way you'd always yell at me. I remember you'd always roll your eyes, sigh and tell me that I was a 'special' kid" I was cut off by Taylor, "guest hours are over in two minutes" he said, I noded, he shut the door, "I love you so much, my fingers are crossed that you wake up soon, I miss and love you, Taylor definitely wants you back too" I said I let go of her hand, I stood up and kissed her forehead, whispering a 'i love you' I slipped out of the room, "ready to go buddy" Taylor asked, I nodded, Izzy walked next to me and held my hand, Taylor looked over and smiled at her, "I love you" he said to her, "I love you too" she said replying, she looked over to me, "I love you to little brother" she said kissing my cheek, "hey! he's my brother, only I can kiss his cheek" Taylor said with a pouty face, I smiled and laughed.

*skip to bed time*

I laid down in bed sending a 'goodnight babe' text to Taylor (his girlfriend), I took my pair of head phones and hooked them up to my phone and slide each ear bud in one ear, I played the playlist I told Dallas about, I titled it 'special songs' I even put a lock on it so no one could listen to them, also because it's on Nash's phone.

The first song began 'doing it right' by Jack & Jack, I listened to the lyrics, every song on this playlist had a very important meaning behind them, all but this one, I haven't figured it out quite yet, but I will soon, after I hear it about twenty hundred more times. My eye kids became droopy, and I fell asleep.





Fact: writing the paragraph where Hayes has his heart talk to dallas, I cried.

A/N; my brother came home Wednesday, but he stayed up in Cleveland so he could visit his girlfriend, but I don't know, Thursday he surprised us all and came home, he's leaving tomorrow (September 1st) at 5 am, he'll be gone, but i'll see him again.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I promise, the big news will come very soon.

Quick shoutout to:


For being the most active fan these past couple days.

Love y'all, peace Twinsers



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