Chapter 40 (dead?)

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Hayes' POV

After leaving the airport we went to the hospital. I've been here all night, everyone else went home, but I staid here and spent the night with Dallas, they're supposed to be giving us information today, it felt like an eternity. I looked beside me and noticed Dallas wasn't in the room, the door opened and in came Nash with tear stained cheeks, tears rolled down his checks, "she's, g-gone" he said, "no! no! no!" I screamed, "yes Hayes, she's gone she passed away during surgery" he spoke, tears began rolling down my cheek, I ran and wrapped my arms around Nash, we cried together.

My mom walked in, she'd been crying to, she wrapped her arms around us, "my baby is gone" she said as more tears rolled down her cheek, "sissy is gone" i heard Skylynn whine, a tear slipped from her eyes, my dad entered the room next, he had tear in his eyes, and red cheeks, "my little angel is gone, I can't believe it" he spoke as a tear slipped his eye, "Hayes"





















"HAYES! wake up" I bolted my eyes opened, I looked next to me, Dallas laid in bed, silent, no movement, "are you alright" Nash asked me, "I don't know, depends on if my sister is dead or not" I said sadly, Nash looked at me, "no news yet, moms down in the cafeteria, you should go down and get something to eat" he said with a serious look.

After agreeing with Nash I went down to the Cafeteria, so many thoughts in my head, that dream was surreal, it felt real, seemed real, and I was most definite it was real.

I grabbed a little bowl of cereal, and a carton of milk. I sat down with my mom and Skylynn, I peeled back the plastic cover on the cereal and poured my milk. I began eating it, I never realized how hungry I actually was until I began eating. With nothing to keep me occupied, my thoughts consumed me.

*after breakfast*

I now sat on the uncomfortable couch in the hospital room, Nash sat on the other side of me with Skylynn on his lap, mom in one chair next to Dallas' bed, and dad in the other chair next to her bed. We all eagerly waited for the door to open and for the doctor to walk in and tell us all good news, but with this situation I don't think there will be any good news.

After waiting an eternity, over dramatic, the doctor came in, "Elziabeth Floyd and Chad Grier" the doctor asked, mom and dad's head shot up, "that's us" mom said speaking for them both, "Dallas is currently in a coma, for how long, we have no clue, her right leg is broken, along with her left arm, she has two broken rib cages, during surgery we placed the bones back together, the bones themselves will heal in time" the doctor spoke, welp, "why doesn't she have casts on" mom questioned, "well yesterday, when we we're doing surgery, we almost lost her, after completing the surgery, we thought we should let her body rest, all through out the night, we checked on her, this young man, told us if anything odd was going on, tomorrow, we plan to place both casts on her arm, and leg" he spoke, my family nodded, he left the room, silence filled the air, "Hayes are you staying again" dad asked, "no, I think I'll let someone else stay" I said.

*at home*

It's like 12:45 pm, I'm tossing and turning just thinking about Dallas. What if she actually does pass away, tonight, or what if she stays in a coma for over a year, what if I never get to hug her again, what if I never get to apologize, this is all my fault, if I would've staid home with her she wouldn't have gotten sad and road her Pennyboard and she wouldn't have gotten hit by that car.

So many things ran through my head, none positive. One thing I knew for sure was I'm not getting any sleep until she actually wakes up. Days will drag on, events will be put on hold, fans will be disappointed, and schooling will add to the stress.





Fact: I'm the youngest out of my three siblings.

A/N: I bet most of you literally thought Dallas was dead. @WriterLea thanks for the amusing conversation through comments on the last chapter, I hope your still alive to read this. Enjoy it my little/big ones, I have so many plan for this book. I'm going to be so sad when it comes to an end:(

Love y'all, Peace Twinsers



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