Chapter 25 (stress shopping)

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*Next Day*

Dallas' POV

Haliya, Naomi, Carly, and I decided on going to the mall, to relive some stress. Stress shopping was the complete best, cause' you literally shop till you drop, well that's how I stress shop.

We walked in the mall, "first place" Naomi asked, "well, I'm not very good with girly girl things soo, I'll be in the boys section of the Nike shop" I said sprinting for the nike outlet, I shopped around and ended up with 10 hoodies, 9 pairs of basketball shorts, and 5 pairs of socks.

When I finished I decided to text our little group chat we had going.

(Text conversation)

Carly😏, Naomi😝, Haliya😄

Dallas-Hey where is y'all at?

Naomi😝-hot topic?

Haliya😄-yes, at hot topic

Dallas-ok, be there in a sec

Carly😏- see ya here

(End of text conversation)

I locked my phone and started walking to hot topic. I got to the store an entered. I noticed a familiar blue haired girl, I walked up to her. "Blue?" I asked, she turned around, "that's me" she said sweetly smiling, "I'm Dallas, Nash's sister" I said smiling, "oh hey" she said hugging me.

I hugged her back, "so I was thinking I could surprise Nash by bringing you back home with me and a three of the boys girlfriends" I said, she nodded her head, "sounds good, I'll put my number in your phone, so when I'm done shopping I could meet up with you guys" she said quickly putting her number in my phone, and sending herself a text message.

I smiled and waved good bye, and went off and found the girls. "wanna come with me to, um, the apple store?" Naomi asked, I nodded.







Fact: I love singing.

A/N: sorry if it wasn't all that big but currently I'm camping this weekend (August 1-3 2014) I have a few updates already typed for 'Love or Fame?' So I'm gonna update them.

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