Chapter 13 (youtube video)

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Dallas' POV

I woke up and checked on Lilly. I grabbed my phone and quietly stepped over her. I checked the time 9:15 in the morning, so I decided on waking Lilly up.

I shook her lightly, "Lilly up and at'em" I said as she sat up. "Good morning" she said stretching, "hey so I got to film a YouTube video, and I thought maybe you would want to be in it" I said questionably, she nodded "heck yeah man" she said jumping up.

"Ok so our plan is brush your hair and teeth. then get dressed and we'll eat breakfast, then we will began filming" I asked, she nodded "ready, set, brake" I said running for the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth then brushed my hair, I walked to the closet and picked out an outfit; a neon yellow crop top that said 'flawless' , white high wasted shorts. Lilly finished right after me. We walked down the stairs and to the kitchen,"good morning girls, here is your breakfast, Skylynn and I have plans" she said placing a plate of pancakes and eggs in front of Lilly and I.

We finished up our breakfast and walked to Will's old bedroom that we turned into a film room just recently. I sat everything up, and we sat down on stools and started recording. "Hey what's up guys it's Dallas and today I'm here with my little buddy Lilly Brunner also Chad's little sister. Today I'm gonna be doing a 'My Opinion' video"

"She wears high heels, I wear cowboy boots. She's cheer captain and I'm a country girl."


Fact: I was born on my cousins due date.

A/N: I'm sorry if this sucked. I just don't know what I'm doing with this book anymore, and to be honest this entire book isn't even planned so as much a your surprised, I am.

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