Chapter 34 (lazy day)

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Hayes' POV

All morning we all just laid around the hotel room, ordering food services and watching movies. As I took a sip of my cream soda there was a knock on the door, we all groaned, every muscle in my body aches from yesterday.

The person knocked again, no one moved, "fine I'll get it" I whined, I got up and walked to the door on the way I groaned. I opened the door, it was a girl, she flipped out, obviously a fan, Taylor was walking to the bathroom and the fan pulled me close an started making out with me, Taylor walked over to is and pulled the girl off giving her a slap to the face, "you keep your skanky ass hands off my boyfriend, you got that you little thot" Taylor said, the girl nodded and ran off.

I shut the door, I turned around and saw Dallas dart to her bed, I heard my phone go off so I walked over to it, it was a notification from vine. it was when Taylor flipped out, the caption was 'how to approach a thot' I laughed and showed Taylor.

I laid back down with Taylor. We cuddled up together, I kissed her. She smiled, we Eskimo kissed as we cuddled.

Dallas' POV

"Time!" I shouted as Hayes was in the bathroom, we were currently watching, 'Heaven is for real', but is currently now paused, "5:45 pm!" Hayes shouted Taylor just laid there staring at the tv, "did we have dinner yet? I'm hungry" she said, "yeah. if your hungry then order food for yourself" I said un-pausing the movie as Hayes laid back down. Taylor order some popcorn for all of us.

"Ok flight is at 6am tomorrow, so I'll be up at 4:30 getting y'all up, so I'm going to bed, keep it down" I demanded, "no promises that Taylor can keep her moans quiet" Hayes said, Taylor punched him in the arm, "you wish buddy" she said, "good night dallas" she said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.





Fact: I'm a loner with no friends

A/N: I hope you enjoyed:) comment what you think I should do for 200k reads.

Love y'all, peace Twinsers


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