Chapter 49 (Old Faces)

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Dallas' POV

"Alex" I asked, he turned his head, "Dallas" he said smiling, "oh my god! where have you been" I asked smiling wide, my phone went off, "Indiana, just about it" he said smiling, the girl turned around, "Dallas" the girl asked, "Genesis" I asked, she smiled wide, "oh my god!Genesis" I said smiling wide, "I can't believe it's been this long" she said smiling.

My phone buzzed again, I looked down at it, slowly noticing it was a text from the group chat, I ignored it, I can't go a day without them boys bothering me, "what have you been up to" she asked, "kicking asses and taking names, with my side kick, Skylynn" I said ruffling her hair, she pinched me, "I said you can't do that anymore, I'm eight" she said letting go, I rubbed the spot on my arm, Alex laughed, "I heard about what happened, Taylor (Caniff) kept freaking out" Alex said swishing his hair, then he rubbed his stomach, where I wondered if his abs still remained, but once I seen his hands go up and down in rippled motion, I knew the answer to my question, "you Caniff boys and your abs" Skylynn said, Iaughed, she was only 4 when Alex first appeared, "you remember me" he asked her, she nodded, "how couldn't I, Dallas always bragged about how you just showed up, out of no where, and then she forced you and Brianna out of the house" she said rolling her eyes. My phone buzzed again, I unlocked it and looked at the group chat, I turned down the brightness before entering the theatre, I opened the message.

Group Chat Messages:

Matt- hey Dallas.

Matt- Dallas!

Matt- Dallas open the fucking group chat now!

Dallas- what the hell do you want?!

Matt- your twitter got hacked!

Dallas- da hell!

Matt- if you would've fucking listened, you would've known sooner! but no! everybody let's not listen to matt!

Dallas- I'm sorry, I still love you. I'm leaving the movie theatre to go home, I'll check then😘😋

Matt- what?! you went to the movies without me?!

Taylor- And me?!

Nash- I thought that was our thing😢

Dallas- Nash, it is our thing but your back in Cali. Matt we'll go to the movies whenever we meet again. And Taylor, I ran into your brother here. Also I'm with Skylynn.

I locked my phone, "well, I'll see y'all around, Genesis, wanna swap numbers I haven't seen you since I was 13 after you know" I said, she smiled, we swapped numbers. Skylynn got into the back, I got into the drivers seat, I put on my seat belt.

Once we got home I ran to the living room, I pulled my MacBook out from under the couch, still haven't moved it, I pulled it open, and tried logging on, wouldn't work, so quickly I made a new twitter, I sent out a tweet.

'@DallasGrierOffical who the hell hacked my account? @dallas_grier_45'

I clicked on to my tagged name, looking at the profile seeing that they unfollowed every fan that I followed, I sent a quick text to the group chat telling them my new twitter. Slowly, cause' they're lazy, they followed me. They began tweeting out to their fans saying I got hacked, and to follow me. As I began to gain back some followers I would follow the followers that followed me back, which was about 3,500 (A/N: I know you can't follow that many people back on twitter, but it's my book, so fuck off!), I went to Instagram and changed the link in my bio to my twitter, I screen shotted my tweet uploading it to Instagram.

'@YeetPrincessDallas it's official, but go follow my new twitter, links in da bio, following all fans who follow😋 #thanksbart'

I got a kick out of that hashtag, I was gonna put #thanksmatt, because if it wasn't for Matt than I wouldn't have known until I went to tweet, but if I put that hashtag then people would think it's Matt's fault and I would've felt so bad, cause' he would've got so much hate. Then the marimba noise went off on my phone indicating that I was getting a phone call, I looked down at the screen seeing, 'Naomieeee😋' I hit the green button.

D- "hello"

N- "hey, Dallas, sorry I couldn't call you back I've been busy"

D- "busy? you say?"

N- "filling out applications for College"

D- "oh, so what's this thing about cheating"

N- "oh god! this is gonna come up again?!"

D- "sorry, I'm just worried about my brother"oh

N- "no it's ok, it's just, that I actually didn't cheat on Matt, that was 4 years ago, with my ex-boyfriend"

D- "oh"

N- "yeah, dude! shut up!"

D- "who's that"

N- "right now I'm at the mall, and this girl just shouted 'Cheater!' so I yelled at her"

D- "wow! have you talked to Matt yet?"

N- "yeah, we got everything figured out, and I'm moving out to Cali with him, after something's get settled for him back at home"

D- "oh well, I'll skype you when ever I get the chance, love ya!"

N- "love ya too!"

I hung up and looked at the time, 9:03 p.m. I got up and walked to my room, I set lights, my camera, and two stools, for tomorrow's video, Hayes popped his head in the door, "hey, when I came in you were in a deep conversation with someone, didn't want to bug you" he said, I smiled, "yeah, catching up with Naomi" I said, he smiled, "I want to spend time together, before I leave to California" he said, I frowned, "I have that video with Chad tomorrow" I said, he frowned. I patted the spot next to me on my bed, "we can spend time now, watching netflix and talking about out celebrity crushes, and talk about of future lives with our boyfriends and girlfriends" I said, he slid under the covers next to me, I turned on Netflix in my tv, I laid my head on his chest, "I'm glad your my brother, let alone my twin, where would I be if I never would've been born" I said.

*few hours later*

I looked at the clock sat on my night stand, it read 1:45 a.m. "Hayes!" I said whining, "what" he whined, "I love you" I said hugging him, "I love you to, lil' sis" he said ruffling my hair. I laughed, "goodnight" he said, "goodnight" I said slowly closing my eyes.





QOTC: Are you a morning person?

A/N: one more chapter!!! I know I promised the ending of the book in one day, but I spent time with family and got caught off guard so tomorrow (Sunday September 14th) I'll be writing and publishing the last chapter:(

But then I'm so excited for the Trilogy!!

I love y'all

Peace Twinsers✌️

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