Chapter 27 (yup? yup.)

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^1 month and 2 weeks later^

Dallas' POV

I'm officially 17 as of a week ago on this day, Friday. "Skylynn!" I shouted, "yeah" she said standing in my door way, "will you be in my video" I asked, she nodded, "ok come sit" I commanded patting my bed.

She sat down with me, I started the video, "hey what's up y'all, it's Dallas here and today I asked that Skylynn joined with me" I said as I pointed to Skylynn, "so basically I'm gonna read the questions and Skylynn is gonna be answering the questions, so I tweeted y'all saying use #lifeupdatewithdallas" I said, (A/N: I'm actually gonna put all the questions in here. I'm Also gonna use y'alls usernames from wattpad)

"First question, @LikeWhooEspinosa asks, where is Nash at this moment?" I said reading the question, "Bubby is in California living with Cameron, Haliya, Carter, Skylar, and Blue" Skylynn said answerin the question.

"@Itsjustkellyyyy asks Who are Skylar and Blue" I read the question "well Skylar is dating Carter Reynolds, and Blue is Nash's girlfriend" Skylynn answered, I nodded, "@Nah_72 asks what does Hayes mean when he says he's not single but not take" I read the question, "it means he's talking to somebody" she answered in a 'duh' tone, "@magconfan702 asks, when will we meet your boyfriend" I read the question, Skylynn looked at me for the answer.

"Ok so we chose to make a video about like him and I, on our one year anniversary" I said looking down at the next question, "@its_isis asks what's Skylynn doing these days" I looked at the next question waiting for Sky's response, "just living life" she said in a 'hippie' voice.

I laughed, "final question is from @gymgurl123 and she asks, what's Will and Hannah been up to" I read the final question, Skylynn huffed, "they moved into together and occasionally come up to visit" she said.

I ended the video, "that went well" I said hugging Skylynn, "thanks sky for being in the video" I said kissing her cheek, "anything for my sister" she said quickly hugging me and walking out of the room. My phone buzzed, I looked down at it seeing a text from Chad.

Chad❤️😘- I'm here

Dallas- just come up to my room:)

Chad😘❤️- ok bye baby

Dallas- bye babe

I locked my phone and sat it down on my bed. Chad and I planed on cuddling for a little and what ever else happens.





QOTC: what are y'alls opinion on me starting a YouTube channel? (comment here--->)

A/N: yurp it's official, Mikey Murphy plays as Chad, and Taylor Marie Mangan plays as Dallas. That's who are currently the cover, Dallas and Chad.

Comment what you think their ship name should be, here-->. Before I go I just want to warn that the next few chapters may be in just Dallas' POV, that's about it enjoy and yeah.

Peace Twinsers✌️

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