Chapter 43 (whats going on? Pt. 2)

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Skylynn's POV

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I'm bored, so bored, I feel like I might lose my mind, I never realized that, that sounded like music lyrics, maybe I should be a song writer for someone, yeah no.

I walked down stairs to the kitchen, mom, Nash, Chad's mom, and his sister, Nash, an mom looked extremely mad. I snuck past them and grabbed a drink out of the fridge, then quietly grabbed a snack from the cabinet, I snuck past them and just about made it around the corner, "Skylynn! what are you doing" Nash said laughing, I glared at him, not exactly looking him the eyes, "getting a snack and drink" I spoke softly pausing, "when do I get to visit Dallas again" I asked, a tear slid down my cheek, "awe, hunnie" mom said pausing, she got up and picked me up, "we'll go visit her later, ok" she asked, I nodded.

Nash stole my chocolate chip teddy bears and opened them, I smacked his hands, "ow" he said in his girl voice (A/N: like he did when he hit his hand off the ceiling fan in his first 'ask Nash') I giggled, "is Skylynn laughing" mom asked, Nash began tickling me, I started laughing like crazy, I cried happy tears, mom smacked my butt playfully, "hey!" I said laighing, "go up, and get ready, mommy and Nash have to talk with Karen and Danika, then we'll go visit sissy" she said.

I jumped up and ran for my room, I stopped when I heard crying, Hayes bedroom, I slid the door open a bit, I saw Hayes, and Taylor crying. They were comforting each other, I mentally awed, you know cause I didn't want to interrupt the moment. I closed the door and walked down to my room, I get to see my sissy again.

Hayes' POV

Taylor may have only knew Dallas for a short time but, for her, friends matter, she told me that she only has 2 friends, Dallas, and Nick, he's back in Michigan. Long-distance friendships and relationships are hard.

I rolled over, I picked up the box of tissues that sat on my bedside table, I shook it noticing it's empty, "I'll be right back" I said kissing her forehead. I got up and walked to the door, looking at the corner, smashed iPhone just sat there.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed a tissue box over hearing a conversation, that didn't sound to nice.

"My daughter is laying in a hospital bed right now. She could pass away at any givin minute, and your worried about how your daughter feels around Dallas" mom said, definitely not sounding to happy, "well Dallas is the reason my son only leaves his room two times a day" Karen spoke unhappily, "Skylynn didn't talk to anyone until today, my mom mopes all day, my dad has been in the same hotel for over a month, and worst of all Hayes hadn't slept for a month until last night. I don't think you understand, MY. SISTER. CAN. PASS. AWAY. AT. ANY. MOMENT." definitely Nash said, "I don't care, ok? Dallas makes me feel uncomfortable, she spoke rudely to me the day before she got hit, and I don't think that she should still be with my brother, why should I care if she's in critical conditions" positively Danika said.

I trudge to the kitchen, "you listen here you lying son of a bitch. My sister never ever said anything mean to you the day before she got hit, you did, cause' if you wouldn't have said anything to her, then the next day she wouldn't have penny boarded anywhere, and she wouldn't have gotten hit. I stayed up all night for a whole month, locked in my pitch black room thinking it was my fault, until my girlfriend told me what happened the previous day, you should feel ashamed of yourself, your brother, Chad, is in love with my sister, Dallas, and Dallas is in love with Chad, wether she's in a coma or not, if she passes away, she'll still love him" I said pissed off.

Everyone stared at me in shock. Danika mostly giving me a death glare, "your like my ex-girlfriends, you just want my sister gone, but guess what? she's a fighter, she isn't going to give up that easily" I said, "me the lier? you are, I never said anything rude to Dallas, I love her, I don't want her gone anywhere" Danika said with a snotty facial expression, "TAYLOR!" I shouted, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs Taylor appeared in the door way of the kitchen, "yeah?" she asked sniffling, "what did Danika say to Dallas when you went to hang out with her" I asked, "she said Dallas is a little skanky whore, who is using her brother, her mom hates her, Chad hates her, Evan hates her, and the rest of her siblings hate her" Taylor said as a tear fell from her eyes.

"Not true!" Danika said, "well it ought to be true, because I was there when you said it. I don't lie to people Danika, lying is a sin, and I don't sin" Taylor said, I took hold of her hand, one by one the girls came down the stairs, "what's going on" Skylar asked, "is this true Danika" Karen asked Danika. Danika held a guilty face, "you made me think wrong, how dare you? I love Dallas, she's a nice girl, I can not believe you!" Karen said scolding Danika.

"This whole fight was a waste of breath. I'm sorry Elizabeth, I hope we could still be friends, I'm so, so sorry about all of this" Karen said looking sorry, "I understand, we can still be friends" mom spoke as she got up and went up the stairs, "thank you for coming and figuring everything out, but I think it's time for y'all to leave" Nash said escorting them to the door. "I still don't get what happened" Kaleigh said, "Danika lied, and we're going to visit Dallas" I said, I handed Taylor the box of tissues, causing her to cry harder.

*skip visiting Dallas*

Nash's POV

Blue and I are currently cuddling in bed as Cameron and the boys texted me in the group chat saying that they're on there flights here. Blue started crying when we got back, just like the rest of the girls, but since there boyfriends aren't here comforted there selfs.

I rubbed Blue's back, she slowly fell asleep, me following suit.





QOTC: If you could do one thing to any character in this book, who would it be? and what would it be?

A/N: thought I would ask that question because they're was a bunch of drama. I think it suits the chapter. I hope y'all enjoyed it.

Yesterday (August 30th) I had so much fun at cedar point, until when I got on this ride called 'pipe scream' and a bee stung my hand, it hurt, we had no medicine so I had to take the pain. It's better now.

School starts in 2 days :(

Love y'all, peace Twinsers.



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